Youtube washed up this video for me. It features the locations of Putin’s 13 residences in and around Europe and Asia. Besides being very informative, it enables anyone to have a look on the Feng Shui of his buildings.
Some of you might know that i research European Renaissance Feng Shui, so i was baffled and electrified to see that the guys who built this palace for him, obviously are using ancient Chinese Feng Shui principles in sync with the European Renaissance Garden and Palace Feng Shui. By the way, do you know who was the first person to experimentally use it at the time? Ya, of course, the Pope in Rome, who else… research it yourself if you do not believe me ;)
The residence i like to portray just a bit is Putin’s Neo-Renaissance Palace, located at Cape Idokopas, Russia. According to Wikipedia, it was constructed in 2005. So they built a Renaissance inspired Palace all anew in 2005. Most people might think that is just another quirk of some megalomanic individual, and why should they not, apart the fact that he simultaneously is the Head of a Superpower. However, he apparently uses the principles of Power Feng Shui based on landform, which most people will unlikely be able to spot. Everything just looks natural, right? Well, yes and no. Have a look at the macrosetup of his Palace:
Anybody can see that the residence is sited at the end of a ridge which is terminating towards the Black Sea. Anybody can see the main axis is running aligned with the direction of the ridge. Anybody can see the 9 fold bended road incoming. Anybody can see the two Helipads. Have you heard of the Vesica Pisces? Just asking. I leave it at these teasers.
Way back i did some work on the Palace at Wilhelmshöhe in Kassel (depicted in this article is the 2nd building phase, after remodeling). Unlike most other Renaissance Feng Shui projects, in Wilhelmshöhe the building Master used the Mountains to charge the Palace in a rather obvious way. Within 70 years, the small Electorate of Hessen-Kassel was catapulted to be a player at the European Powergame of the time. Then the park and the Palace were remodeled and it took just 15 years to fall back to insignificance for the Electorate by being conquered by Napoleon. Well, never change a running system ;)
Both Kassel (1st builing stage) and Idokopas share the similarity that their Power Feng Shui is not as disguised as other functional Power Feng Shui hubs like in London, Washington, Paris etc. The setup is simple and rather transparent. Anyone just notice the similar patterns of the setup and composition of the space. I will not spill details here. However, just like in the case of that bygone first Wilhelmshöhe Palace, Putin did make a steep rise, and seems to still be on a steep rise. From the outside it looks like Putin actually IS in Power, just like some Renaissance Duke – a thing i doubt with a lot of contemporary other leaders „in power“. Coincidence? And if so, does it matter? I think it does.
If someone is out there doing some similar type of research like me, i might be be interested in some conversation.