
YiJing forecast on the fate of a tooth

Initial situation: a festered tooth, inflammation of the tooths root.
Question to the YiJing: would it be better to just clean the puss out, or to have the tooth extracted? (Implying a visible gap between the teeth)

The Divination:

Hexagram 39 „Obstruction“, lines 2 and 3 changing to Hexagram 29 „The Abyss“.

General advice of the unchanging Hexagram is to go see a great leader able to work with people to push through the obstruction and to avoid mountaineous areas (Northeast) in favour to flat areas (Southwest). Southwest equals the gum here, Northeast the mountain, or tooth.

The great leader obviously is represented by the dentist. The lower trigram represents the tooth by the Trigram Gen, which also represents a mountain. Above the mountain looms danger, represented by the Trigram Kan. Also, the movement is limited to Trigram Gen. Not good, the tooth will move, it has to go.

The inner Hexagram equals Hexagram 64, „Before Completion“, Fire above Water, signaling the inflammation. Evaluating the overall image, it looks like the tooth has to go.

The moving lines

The second line gives advice for clear communication for doing the right thing. So the dentist should be adressed with questions illuminating the situation to the patient in the most clear way, so that there is no regret later.

Third line forecasts that the obstruction will be met by going (to the dentist), but when returning (at home) there will be a warm welcome. The third line is next to the abyss and the danger of the upper Trigram Kan, which should be avoided. However, all changing lines finally make up the Hexagram for Abyss, which will when having travelled through it, will be followed by success.

In any case, danger is descending upon the tooth and the inflammation (Inner Hexagram Fire above Water) is already inside of the abyss of the tooth: its toothbed. The resulting Hexagram 29 is the Trigram for a huge abyss, which in this case would be the cavity left once the tooth is out and then has to heal.

So the prediction is: „The tooth is in danger and needs to give way for the abyss, so that the gum can heal. Going through this, there will be success in the end“.

Outcome in the real world

The dentist said that the tooth is yet merely dangling to a lump of infected gum. The tooth was pulled, shortened a bit, put back in place, and then taped to the adjacent healthy teeth. The gum healed, the row of teeth inside the mouth doesnt show a gap, and the tooth is functianl again. The surgical operation itself, however, was quite exhausting to the patient. In the end, the gum is happy and healed, the danger is gone, and the tooth itself still serves its function.

Perfektes Form Feng Shui

Der Besitzer dieses Kiosks hat aus Feng Shui Sicht eine Menge richtig gemacht. Ob er es wusste oder nicht, die Elemente des Kiosks sind nach der grundlegenden Formel „Schildkröte-Drache-Phönix-Tiger“ angeordnet. Das Gebäude hinter dem Kiosk wird zur Schildkröte, der Zeitungsstand links wird zum Drachen, er ist idealerweise etwas höher als der Tiger gegenüber, der durch die Eiskiste gegeben ist. Der Tisch mit dem Krimskrams vorn in der Mitte hält das Qi vor der Kasse zurück. Nach irgendwelchen anderen Formeln braucht man hier eigentlich nicht mehr zu schauen, der Laden dürfte bereits so wie er ausgerichtet ist sehr gut laufen.

How to make a building disappear by using Feng Shui


The older lady was scared about the Junkieshelter the city council had decided to establish in a house across the street of her main door. She asked if Feng Shui possibly could help. I went to the place and found that indeed that Junkieshelter was not adding any especially good vibes to the neighbourhood. Many junkies are artists, well able to express their states of mind. They had installed quite a few selfmade art objects in their front yard, like a sculpture made of huge shards of broken mirror glass, some monster-like statues and the like. The old lady already had a proper hedge surrounding her house, obviously that was not enough to shield her from the terror across.

I inquired her birthdate and measured the Sitting and Facing of her house. I found that the house, her birthdate and also the year in which she asked me were in the same group of hexagrams (using the so called „bloodlink kinship of hexagrams“. That type of method is from within the school of Xuan Kong Da Gua and I decided this might be a way to tackle the issue.

I calculated the month, day and hour the chirurgical Feng Shui incision had to be made, which then was about 2 months in the future. I asked her to go to a local stonemason and look for some elongated erratic boulder around 1,5m tall, which appealed well to her. The thing had to be delivered on the calculated day to her door. Using the bloodlink method, the stone was to be placed and erected at the correct spot at the correct month, day and hour, in sync with her birthdate and the positioning of the house.
All went well, the stonemason delivered the rock on the correct day and the stone was put into place at the correct time. By applying the Chinese characters for „TaiShan“ (China`s holy mountain), a protective Talisman was created.

About two months later i got curious. I called the lady and asked about that problem house. She replied „Oh, I totally forgot about that house. It is just like as it has disappeared“.

The Yellow Emperors forecast on Jia Chen year, 2024

甲辰年 JiaChen year


A poem goes:
God of the year is JiaChen,
half of the rice and flax and hemp.
Spring and Summer encounter flooding,
in Autumn and Winter the streams are impassable.
The mulberry trees in the land of Lu are proper,
in the valleys of Wu there is no abundance.
The mulberry trees are abandonded and finally expensive,
the airborne insects congratulate each other happily.
Estimate the selling prices to be very expensive,
there ist snow and frost in the three months of Winter.


The divination says:
The year of the Dragon beginning,
in the altitudes commonly have five shares.
Beans and wheat achieving nothing solid,
the six domestic animals also meet with misfortune and falter.
Even more watch out for the later parts of Winter,
receiving frosts and snows one after the other.

Brace for inflation, major floods, mediocre harvests, very cold winter. The forecast is from the book „The Earth Mother Classic„.

Dead timepieces

Dead, nonfunctional or broken watches, clocks, or any timepieces correlate to time standing still, no change taking place. Any timepiece should be functional and intact. Even a perfectly well working and pretty timepiece is usually not seen as a good thing in Feng Shui, it reminds us that time is running and never coming back, it is a reminder of getting old and death. The Chinese for that reason never present watches or clocks as a gift. However, in Feng Shui clocks can be used for positive effect or for pressing down negative effects also. It depends on where and how they are placed. But back to the dead timepieces.

So i went hunting for old watches not in use in my place. Pretty surprising to find four of those, one from my time at university, one from a weird time I once bought in Venice and two inherited from my father. The first I kept because it has a surprisingly accurate altitude meter, the second because it is pretty as only the Italians can do it and the other two have a base of gold. The first one („but it has this awesome altitude meter“) went straight to the bin. The second one will leave me in a public book box, with a new battery it is still fully functional and pretty, someone may have a use for it. The third i finally left at he book box too. Main thing I get rid of this junk.

The last one is still functional i found out, so i put it in a direction where it helps generating some supportive energy.

Too many toys – Konzentration auf das Wesentliche

„Was soll ich nur anziehen, ich hab doch nix“

Sobald zu viel des Guten angehäuft wird, wird es zuviel des Guten. Kinder, die mit Spielzeugen überhäuft werden, lassen nach kurzer Zeit den Grossteil der Spielzeuge links liegen. Frauen, die sich mehrere Schrankfüllungen aus Schuhen oder Kleidern zugelegt haben, wissen sich bald nicht mehr zu entscheiden was sie tragen wollen. Männer, die sich Werkzeugausrüstungen für jeden Fall der Fälle und Anwendungszweck zulegten, gebrauchen das meiste davon nicht.

Dem „Zuviel des Guten“ folgt nicht nur die Verschwendung von Geld aus den zahlreichen Käufen und Speicherplatz für die Aufbewahrung der Dinge. Ihm folgt auch die Schwächung der Konzentration auf das Wesentliche. Wer z.B. eine Anzahl von Werkzeugen lagert die mehr oder weniger regelmässig benutzt werden, der hat genug des Guten. Ein anderer, der dieselbe Anzahl von Werkzeugen lagert, diese aber nie benutzt, für den werden diese Werkzeuge zum Ballast. Das gleiche gilt für Spielzeuge, Kleider, Schuhe, Bücher, Kochgeräte usw.

Von Puristen und Messies

Die Übergänge zwischen Puristen und Messies sind fliessend. Purist sein bedingt nicht notwendigerweise nur wenig zu haben. Ein Purist hat das Feld seiner Aufmerksamkeit auf das Wesentliche eingehegt und trachtet auf diesem nach dem besten Ergebnis. Ein Purist mag jedes Jahr 100000 Euro für die noch bessere Stereoanlage, den besseren Winkelschleifer etc. ausgeben, aber er entledigt sich dann des minderwertig gewordenen „Besten von gestern“. Ein anderer Typ des Puristen mag fälschlicherweise als Messie angesehen werden, z.B. jemand der alle verfügbaren Coverversionen eines bestimmten Songs sammelt, oder ein Starwarsfan der tausende an Starwarsgimmicks hat. Der Purist und der Nerd/die Koryphäe liegen nah beieinander. Was diese vom Messie unterscheidet ist, dass der Purist die Kontrolle über seine sehr kleine oder sehr grosse Sammlung behält, der Messie sie aber schon lang verloren hat und die Masse an angehäuften Dingen als äusseres Schutzschild gegen die eigene Konzentration auf das Wesentliche gebraucht. Selbst jeder Messie braucht Raum zum Leben, selbst in den schlimmsten Messiehaushalten gibt es begehbare Wege zu Bett, Herd und Haustür. Der Rest des inneren Raumes, geistig wie materiell, ist unzugänglich durch all das Zeug „was man ja brauchen könnte“, oder „was man nicht loslassen kann“.

Konzentration auf das Wesentliche

Einem Kind das nicht mehr spielt weil es zu viele Spielsachen hat, einem Menschen der nicht mehr liest weil er zu viele Bücher hat, diesen wird geholfen indem man das zu bearbeitende Feld verkleinert und sich auf das Wesentliche konzentriert. Das Wesentliche sollte dann gleichzeitig von der bestmöglichen Qualität sein. Das Feld gross genug um die Entfaltung und das Gedeihen zuzulassen und klein genug um es bewirtschaften zu können. Sobald das Unkraut bzw. das Gerümpel aus dem Weg ist, ist der Raum zur Entfaltung frei.

Für Erwachsene gilt die Daumenregel: „Zwei Jahre nicht benutzt – kann weg“. Bei Kindern ist der Zyklus kürzer. Wenn Sie aber feststellen, dass ihr Kind sich für eine Sache wirklich interessiert, dann sparen Sie nicht am falschen Ende, kaufen Sie ihm gute Qualität.

Ein Beispiel aus dem Leben

Eine Kundin hat dies so gemacht: als sich herausstellte dass ihre Tochter gern zeichnet, bekam diese trotz schmalem Budget einen Apple mit Zeichenstift ins Jugendzimmer gestellt. Die Entscheidung zum Wechsel aus dem öffentlichen Bildungssystem hin zu einer teuren Privatschule öffnete den Weg für die Tochter zu einem kurzen und knackigen Studium an einer Designschule. Die mit Belobigung abgeschlossene Designschule öffnete den Weg zu einem guten Job in der Industrie. Nach einem Jahr stellte sich heraus, dass der Industriejob nicht das war, was die Tochter glücklich machte und sie wechselte in ein Tattoostudio um die Grundlagen dieses Handwerks zu lernen. Nach einem halben Jahr eröffnete sie ihr eigenes Tattoostudio. Bisher erfolgreich. Dies ist ein gutes Beispiel für die Konzentration auf das Wesentliche. Wesentlich ist was dem Wesen entspricht, das gilt für Werkzeug- oder Kleiderschränke, Bibliotheken, Spielzeugsammlungen, egal was.

Das Nichtwesentliche kann weg.

Feng Shui of the White House

No, the other White house, the one of the TV-show characters Walter and Skyler White from „Breaking Bad“.

Good movies often show Feng Shui features fitting to the story

Did you ever notice that artists e.g. like show producers successfully implement valid Feng Shui rules into their work? It just seems to work. Let´s have a look at the Feng Shui of the White`s house of the show „Breaking Bad“.


Poison Arrows out and in

The location of the house the show was filmed at shows a vicious poison arrow hitting the house, namely the garage which is located on the left or Dragon side of the house. Left side is male side, the garage is huge. Like in the show it suggests that the male is out a lot but also meeting with a lot of adversity. The arrow directly hits the garage (male).

Quelle: Google Earth

It is also obvious that the house has two heads. Just like Skyler and Walter fighting for dominance of the family all throughout the show.


Zooming closer, we see a dead tree in a sea of gross pebbles on the right (female) side. The wife has lots of troubles and a hard life, difficult emotions.
The lot has no boundary, the Qi cannot gather.
The entrance to the house is very hard to find and clogged by brushes where they should not be. This house has breathing problems. Walter in the show gets lung cancer, a life threatening condition. The tree stands for the male. Fittingly to the sharp branches piercing the entrance, in the show he is coughing blood. Even when the tree is green, the wife does not support him too well. There is little nutrition in pebbles and the humidity in the soil evaporates fast.
Besides that, the house gives an air of being rigidly meek and conforming to the outside. It is easy to infringe on these nonexistent boundaries.
There is nothing to hold the Qi in, money flows away fast. As quickly as he gets it in the show, as quickly he is dead broke again in an instant.


Stepping in, like in many US american houses, we already have entered the living room. In the US, most everybody is „your buddy“ from the start.
In the case of the White´s house, the main door crashes directly into the suite. Think of Hank and Marie´s kind of overbearing type of „help“ they offer to their siblings, or that of the school director, or that of the Schwartz couple… there is always someone who knows it better and that with certainty.

Looking in from the living room, we see the inside poison arrow splitting the house in two halves:


The bedroom is located at the side of the end of the arrow, there the energy of the propelled Qi crashes in. Walt Jr.´s room is to the right in the middle of the arrow, he does not get too much attention anyway.

Also in the show we have the water theme: a pool behind the house likely makes for mental or physical troubles, the water coming from the taps inside of the house in the beginning of the show is always dirty and also does not heat up well. Again drained and cold emotions, dirty money/water, a pool of either clean water nobody ever uses or swims in except for the one time Skyler makes her fake suicide attempt or when Walter Jr. throws up into it. Oh yeah, the burnt doll dropping from the exploded plane likes to swim in it too. And the Eye of God watching over all this madness is harboured by Walter after he secures it out of the pool sink and furtherly will watch over his fate once the Salamanca brothers arrive to kill him. Otherwise the pool is empty and drained in the later episodes.

Once he got the boiler going by having exchanged it to a top model, at least the dull emotions are gone past…

But is that a house of a supervillain? Not really. Has any of this any meaning outside of the TV show? Who knows. But in real life, the owners had to put up sturdy fences to stop the infringements of crazy fans throwing pizzas onto their garage roof, see the first picture. That was a necessary Feng Shui cure, but looking at how they did it, i think they overdid it.


Ironplate Divination
Adolf Hitler 20.4.1889, 18:30

This article is to show an example of what to expect in an Ironplate divination. This example is done by a different technique being applied in the previous example of Albert Einstein. With Einstein I applied the divination method for the running Luckcycles and years, in this example I use the „static“ method, which uses 15 separate individual calculations.

The Ironplate basically works like a software. Imagine perhaps some old DOS-RPG, where everything possible to happen within the game is already prewritten as textlines. Same with the Ironplate, put in the Birthdate and time, calculate or compute the algorhythm and arrive at a prewritten text line. If one knows how to do it, it would be easy to write some software for the Ironplate and have all textlines in a second. There are a total of 12000 prewritten textlines for the Ironplate. So please keep in mind when reading the example: these textlines where computed just by applying an algorhythm, called Ironplate-calculation, a method for calculating anybodys astrological chart into text lines. The guy who invented the software and wrote the textlines for this Fate RPG was a guy called Shao Yong, and he is already dead now for 945 years. He did not know Hitler, nor Einstein, nor anybody else, nor does his algorhythm know anybody.
The text lines are written in the old language of his time, they are excessively metaphorical and flowery, so at some points I shall comment on what I think the metaphors may portray.

Why Adolf Hitler of all people, you may ask? For a public example, it should be some person who is so famous everybody knows about him, the birth time should be confirmed and most importantly the person should be already dead. On the metaphysics sites mostly „good guys“ are portrayed, why not look at a „bad“ guy“. Plus, Hitler always is catchy. Plus, at the end of the divination it comes with a twist.

The method I used for this example spits out two basic types of text lines: firstly such ones giving some info or even advice on and to the overall and general character of the person, and secondly there are those lines which are pointing towards circumstances and events to be expected in certain years. I put the overall/general character category first and the running years category second. I kept the original age markers of the text, which are the ancient Chinese. In this nomenclature, life begins at conception, so the traditional Chinese age is about 9 months ahead compared to the Western age counts. You need to substract 9 months of the given text line ages to arrive at the actual age of the person.

I decided to structure the example into two main sections: first comes the text lines without comment, just as they are. This is to give you some breath to let it sink in and form your own opinion. In the second section I share my own comments on certain textlines. If you want to jump to the section with comments directly, you can do so by scrolling over through the lines only section.
The main source for comparison of events to years for the divination is by Wikipedia.

The word „Ming“ I left it untranslated, it means something like „given fate“. The translation of the textlines into English is my own. The word „dissolve“ is a direct translation of the traditional Chinese character. It can be translated as „having success“, or „blending in“; its direct translation would be „dissolve, melt“.

Pure Textlines Section

Ironplate general divination for Adolf Hitler

Fiery manners and temperament, his heart most worried/anxious

Flower outside oriole sings timely, spring wind grass colour fresh

Harmonious light ray bright and beautiful, abdicating the room/family to go easy

Ming has Literary Star, he publishes books under the pseudonym of a fake name

Aspiring to travel far and making ones mark, return in brocade dresses to ones hometown

Studies/schoolwork tiny to succeed, stepping on society initiating the future prospects

Moon at dawn a cold mist bewitched on a footpath through the bamboo, sad mood white girdle at the point of the expedition ship

Plan far ahead, worker needs to dare to do a lot

His custom is studying the underlying principles then having them straight, justice is the rulers matter he is a true Official

Golden fish scales not a person of no particular talent, one encounters an unstable situation and becomes a Dragon

Facing the evil Star of the Tiger and Panther, from distant parts/far away writing while bansihed

Crossing over a dangerous bridge, a hundred anxieties begin to disappear

Winds blasting say breaking up the radiance of the Moon, a dead tree grows flower blossoms filling the households main hall

Ruler has three phoenixes, strive for the title in order to become famous

YiYou his/her year, wining and dining eagle rising

In the Luck period it is paramount to press for titles and honours make it visible, glory conferred to the waist/kidney system once again born fragrant

Odd schemes odd theories see a thousandfold success, go and take the purse of 10000 gold

Xiang Zhuang performs the sword dance, but his mind is set on Liu Bang

(idiom); refers to 206 BC plot to murder Liu Bang, aka Duke of Pei and the future Han emperor, during a sword dance at the Hongmen feast / an elaborate deception to hide malicious intent

Now with his peoples of direct disciples, Gold year managing to have success

Wild goose the door to succeeding with the disposition of the troops is with the power of the symbol, in the end and at the beginning allocate/divide crowds and every single one under Heaven (by it)

Again assigned to the yellow hall, count as fixed in front always

Also regard as smooth and steady

On the road leading North and South a countryside of hundred fields and mulberry trees, these common three are not changed in this scene

Just a hand conducting oneself in somebody others interest, person of high rank meritous achievement

Piloting your crane sending it away, flying in the air unexpectedly no return

The mountain slopes in front are high, a staff at the round table is actually the cause of the calamity

Wealth and money lousy/broken and squandered, running year much sluggish

All ones life speeding, financial resources wasted and gone

At the present of being a living man, there is excessive inappropriatness

Not yet dying leaving the flute carrying a zither

Evening scene in harmony, oneself composing music and songs

Disease enters smearing the vision/going blind, time and again the medical doctors treatment is not administered

Divination of running years for Adolf Hitler

(4) White Tiger in accordance with Ming, this year there is disaster

(8) Going forward not going forward retreating not retreating, not knowing when to come and when to leave often like intoxicated

(8) Eight years the mother leaves/dies, meet with punishment and injury when young

(14) Red lotus at first comes out the water, showing/sending male emotions/wanton to the flower blossom

(15) Night Moon bright flower blossom image, Spring winds announcing good news

(15,16) When you should not miss/fail, is that when you no longer come around?

(17,18) Person sits within the Spring winds, famous flower blossom since beautiful

(19,20) Winds of springtime although proper, wind and rain enduring sadness

(20) At the local branch of study get a position by passing the Imperial examination

(21,22) Crouching high and not having to worry, simultaneously advancing together

(21,22) Name ascends to the list of outstanding people

(23) At midnight floating clouds cover the Moon, say before dawn the lost eye sight is restored

(23,24) Idle and muddy having no matter/work, to setup outstandingly go out to hardships of travel/the vicissitudes of life

(26) Forward ahead the road one is following is far and distant, there is no
need to ask for a change

(25,26) Sweet rain breeze under the sky of the third month, a traveller happy without boundary

(25,26) He manages to have success at the palace

(27) Proper to cultivate growing trees, can succed with the roof beam/bridge timber/material

(27,28) Government Star cup ones hands in accordance, favor onto oneself very important

(30, 31) Arriving at the line of business this time, be aware the ruler can harvest celebration

(31, 32) Funeral gate is the the image, worried and time to go to the teacher

(33, 34) East wind breezes the cold arrives, his years of age are many

(34) Only expect the Sun god to return there is a stage/period of time, being in a sorry state both/all sides pressing

(36) Vehicles and horses bound together, gate and main hall busting with noise of exitement

(37, 38) He manages to enter dissolution

(39,40) Up and down all hatred and desire for revenge, oblique sunset also arriving (at Winter)

(39, 40) Lonesome stage makeup and costume and at night trembling/cold Qi, hazy moonlight crosses the railing

(41) At the small table barbarian wetness beating with the willow the flower blossoms spheres, a gust blows dancing above in the house with more than one storey

(41,42) These years probably suffering financial loss/bankruptcy, a pressing lawsuit and dispute arrives

(43, 44) From the West he goes to the East, tracks like floating in the wind

(43) There is no road without a hidden trap, key information is to be happy at the place also to conceal worry

(45, 46) Three schemes dedicated to take/go to the emperors main hall

(45,46) Contend to always arrange ones place/office, always double and triple proud of oneself

(47) Everybody hates and regrets (him) ZhuangZi sighs, today me also the same

(47,48) Knock at the door urgent voices quarrel often, one appears/meets with lawsuit and illness also there is a devil

(47,48) Separating from God/the Spirit you must not smile like a demon, lousy going for money and wealth once again taking a lot of trouble

(47,48) Huge granary with his millet, mice and small birds wasting it

(49, 50) In an unbearable rush and hurry, not only the person is displeased and annoyed moreover there is an angry demon

(51) Child takes possession of a high administrative section

(47,48) Proper these scenes in Springtime, slanting towards hate and envy the mood is jealous rain

(49, 50) Often encountering pure Yang, literature passing up to the height of the stars

(53,54) Equal/level movement of the common people, the common people luminous and bright

(53,54) The personnel fades away a lot of depression, how can one have recreation how can one approve

(54) Leading (them) straight to the front, yet not stopping

(55) KunPeng spreads out its wings, support your shaking self onto holding something straight/fair and reasonable on top

(55,56) One at once accomplishes a meritous deed, cup ones hands to live peacefully

(57,58) He manages to have success

(59,60) The huge warchariot does not withdraw/has no tracks, the wheelbarrow has no tracks

(62) Sighing the ruler has a long life on top, after sixty years a second Spring

(63,64) By means of the firefly his brightness, faintly discernible

(65,66) He manages to ascend a branch of study, his glory arrives at old age

(65,66) Water flows flower blossom drops, how many worries

(65,66) Me trembling not yet decreased, there is no need to ask for the East winds

(65,66) Satisfactorily moving wheels, picture of wealth and money arriving

(66) The Spring comes upon a withered tree (to be revived) is the image

(67) Sixty and seven, finding that the Literary Star has perished

(69,70) Virtue and kindness to leave a good reputation, the orchids are growing fragrant

(71,72) Everything one looks out and plans for often has bad luck, disaster succeeds disaster right away oh so wasteful

(77) Count as to stop and being sent to go up to the floating clouds for a lodge

(99) A backscratcher and satisfied with oneself, image is that of leisurely good fortune

Textlines with comments Section

Ironplate general divination for Adolf Hitler

Fiery manners and temperament, his heart most worried/anxious

It is known that Hitler had a violent temper.

Flower outside oriole sings timely, spring wind grass colour fresh

It is known that Hitler was of an effusive and enraptured sentiment.

Harmonious light ray bright and beautiful, abdicating the room/family to go easy

It is known that Hitler´s primary desire was to become a well known artist as a painter.

Ming has Literary Star, he publishes books unde afake name

Not so well known, but appears to be valid.

Aspiring to travel far and making ones mark, return in brocade dresses to ones hometown

We cannot know, but that is what actually happened.

Studies/schoolwork tiny to succeed, stepping on society initiating the future prospects

Hitler was not the star of his later college classes indeed, for he never got accepted into the painters college, however he put his boot on society for sure also.

Moon at dawn a cold mist bewitched on a footpath through the bamboo, sad mood white girdle at the point of the expedition ship

„At dawn“ means early, „the bamboo“ is a place where you cant look far ahead, „white“ means sad and the „expedition ship“ is when you set out to a journey. In 1910 Hitler was accomodated at a public residential home and 1914 he went on the expeditionary corps to the War with France.

Plan far ahead, worker needs to dare to do a lot

Hitler certainly was a visionary.

His custom is studying the underlying principles then having them straight, justice is the rulers matter he is a true Official

Most people will not give him the credit, but Hitler read Le Bon, put Propaganda into industrial size action towards politics for the first time and had some solid ideas on how things work out. Like the Autobahn, for example.

Golden fish scales not a person of no particular talent, one encounters an unstable situation and becomes a Dragon

„Dragon“ means emperor. The situation in Germany from 1918 until 1933 as well as his personal situation was definitely unstalbe. The Chinese have a lore about fish jumping through the Dragon-gate and changing into a Dragon.

Facing the evil Star of the Tiger and Panther, from distant parts/far away writing while bansihed

The episode of Hitler being imprisoned in 1924 and writing his book „Mein Kampf“ there comes to mind.

Crossing over a dangerous bridge, a hundred anxieties begin to disappear

The time for rise to power was certainly a dangerous bridge.

Winds blasting say breaking up the radiance of the Moon, a dead tree grows flower blossoms filling the households main hall

„Winds“ can be translated to „emotions“. Again his vicios temper is described here. A „dead tree“ is someone who is either sterile, or has no root in society. While there is the rumour that Hitler just had one testicle, it is certain he was the total underdog from when he started out.

Ruler has three phoenixes, strive for the title in order to become famous

The phoenix rises from the dead ashes radiantly towards the high skies. The text says Hitler had three of them.

YiYou his/her year, wining and dining eagle rising

Hitler has the pillar YiYou at the hour pillar. 1945 is a year of YiYou. 1933 is a year of YiYou, he seized Germany and put the German Eagle under his control then. Also a ime of a rising Germany to power.

In the Luck period it is paramount to press for titles and honours make it visible, glory conferred to the waist/kidney system once again born fragrant

The Luck periods meant here are those of JiaZi and GuiHai, the twenty years of his Luck cycles between 1924-1944. That divination is congruent with the life facts of Hitler.

Odd schemes odd theories see a thousandfold success, go and take the purse of 10000 gold

The successful revolutionary is described here.

Xiang Zhuang performs the sword dance, but his mind is set on Liu Bang

(idiom); refers to 206 BC plot to murder Liu Bang, aka Duke of Pei and the future Han emperor, during a sword dance at the Hongmen feast / an elaborate deception to hide malicious intent

Well, the burning of the Reichstag and seizing of total power comes to mind, or the outcome of the Hitler-Stalin pact, etc.
Hitler certainly was a devious character full of scheming and plotting.

Now with his peoples of direct disciples, Gold year managing to enter dissolution

Hitler had his NSDAP party apparatus filled with devoted party members fully functional in 1933, that year is the year of the Rooster, a Metal or Gold year and the year he successfully seized power.

Wild goose the door to succeeding with the disposition of the troops is with the power of the symbol, in the end and at the beginning allocate/divide crowds and every single one under Heaven (by it)

„Wild goose“ is a metaphor for someone having broken apart from his family ties. Think of the swastika or the star of David. It is becoming a bit spooky now, is it not. Remember these lines are derived by using some algorhythm written a thousand years ago. The lines themselves are written in dead books.

Again assigned to the yellow hall, count as fixed in front always

Destined to become the emperor or directly serve the emperor.

Also regard as smooth and steady

He could be stopped by noone. Over a 100 attempts on his life could not kill him.

On the road leading North and South a countryside of hundred fields and mulberry trees, these common three are not changed in this scene

He united all German speaking countries except the Elsass and Südtirol into one empire.

Just a hand conducting oneself in somebody others interest, person of high rank meritous achievement

The Ironplate implies here that Hitler was just a puppet in somebody elses interest. Or alternatively, that he served the intersts of the people. Hard to interpret.

Piloting your crane sending it away, flying in the air unexpectedly no return

In the end, things certainly did not work out as planned for Hitler. The „Crane“ is a metaphor for ones aspirations.

The mountain slopes in front are high, a staff at the round table is actually the cause of the calamity

After the lost war, the surviving generals put all the blame on Hitler. In fact, before invading Russia in 1941, Hitler decreed to put the majority of the armed forces to the South, with the objective to secure the oil fields of the Caucasus. Halder, his Chief of Staff, secretly and on his own accord changed the strategic setup of the campaign for a thrust onto Moscow, because Halder thought the political victory was more important than the economic victory. From Clausewitz we learn that errors with the initial strategic setup cannot be corrected at a later stage. For a fact, Hitler was outraged at his staff a lot.

Wealth and money lousy/broken and squandered, running year much sluggish

By the end of the war, the german people ate rats and cats and lived in ruins.

All ones life speeding, financial resources wasted and gone

Speed was one of the main characteristics of the third Reich, from the economics to the Blitzkrieg.

At the present of being a living man, there is excessive inappropriateness

Say no more.

Not yet dying leaving the flute carrying a zither

Not yet dying? Well he was declared dead, but his corpse was never found. Musical instruments?

Evening scene in harmony, oneself composing music and songs

„Evening scene“ is a metaphor for old age. Hitler was known to enjoy operas, but nothing is known about him composing songs. Anyway, hardly anything is known about him after 1945. See the two links connected with the previous verse.

Disease enters smearing the vision/going blind, time and again the medical doctors treatment is not administered

Hitler was going blind after a gas attack he suffered in the fields of France, however his general vision you need to call it „smeared“. He wasnt listening to advice from anybody.

Divination of running years for Adolf Hitler

(4) White Tiger in accordance with Ming, this year there is disaster

Accurate. At Western age 3 Hitlers family moved and he suffered excessive maltreatment by his foster father.

(8) Going forward not going forward retreating not retreating, not knowing when to come and when to leave often like intoxicated

Hitler was described as a recalcitrant and petulant child.

(8) Eight years the mother leaves/dies, meet with punishment and injury when young

The Age is off for exactly ten years for the Death time of the mother, her date of Death is 10 years later, or one Luck cycle later.

(14) Red lotus at first comes out the water, showing/sending male emotions/wanton to the flower blossom

Sexuality sets in. „Red lotus“ equals penis. Very personal line, hard to verify.

(15) Night Moon bright flower blossom image, Spring winds announcing good news

Similar to previous line.

(15,16) When you should not miss/fail, is that when you no longer come around?

In 1904, Hitler aged 15, the violent and brutal foster father of Hitler dies.

(17,18) Person sits within the Spring winds, famous flower blossom since beautiful

„Spring Winds“ is a metaphor for happy and sentimental enmotions. Again a very personal line.

(19,20) Winds of springtime although proper, wind and rain enduring sadness

Depression sets in. Hitler applies for the Artists college and is rejected.

(20) At the local branch of study get a position by passing the Imperial examination

Hitler got an invitation by some man named Roller for an education as a stage designer at his local town, but he rejected it.

(21,22) Crouching high and not having to worry, simultaneously advancing together

Hitler sells self painted postcards on the streets together with three of his jewish mates.

(21,22) Name ascends to the list of outstanding people

He falsely proclaimed to himself the title of an „academic Arts painter“, yet that was a false title because he never obtained it officially. Making stuff up was one of Hitlers specialities.

(23) At midnight floating clouds cover the Moon, say before dawn the lost eye sight is restored

Around this time he supposedly got in contact with his antisemitc views and established those in his mind as a fact for him. „At midnight floating clouds cover the Moon“ is a metaphor that it is pitch black and one cannot see or discern anything. „Dawn“ is when the Sun rises, the Sun is a metaphor for the Self.

(23,24) Idle and muddy having no matter/work, to setup outstandingly go out to hardships of travel/the vicissitudes of life

His time living as a bum.

(25,26) Sweet rain breeze under the sky of the third month, a traveller happy without boundary

Hitler joins the German army for the War against France. The War started three months after his birthdate.

(25,26) He manages to have success at the palace

It is no secret that Hitler loved to be in the Army fighting for Germany. He was distinguished for his actions on the battlefield by the Iron Cross 2nd class this time.

(26) Forward ahead the road one is following is far and distant, there is no
need to ask for a change

The trenchwarfare sets in.

(27) Proper to cultivate growing trees, can succed with the roof beam/bridge timber/material

Building grenade shelters with timber, perhaps.

(27,28) Government Star cup ones hands in accordance, favor to oneself very important

Hitler is message runner for the ordinance.

(30, 31) Arriving at the line of business this time, be aware the ruler can harvest celebration

His political career starts, he joins the „Deutsche Arbeiter Partei“, renamed in 1920 to „NSDAP“.

(31, 32) Funeral gate is the the image, worried and time to go to the teacher

The German Reich is in shambles, he meets Heinrich Class, who becomes his mentor and financier.

(33, 34) East wind breezes the cold arrives, his years of age are many

He hijacks an political event at the Löwenbräukeller at gunpoint. German Officials try in vain to exile Hitler from Germany back to Austria.

(34) Only expect the Sun god to return there is a stage/period of time, being in a sorry state both sides pressing

His failed Coup de Etat starting with the famous events at the „Löwenbräukeller“. He gets put into jail at the Festung Landshut and writes „Mein Kampf“ there. The Sun´s ancient symbol ist the swastika.

(36) Vehicles and horses bound together, gate and main hall busting with noise of exitement

Released from prison. His political movement gains significant speed from here onwards. Reformation of the NSDAP into the efficient organisation it is going to become. He installed himself as the sole one and only Führer of his party.

(37, 38) He manages to have success

The structural framework of his political means is complete.

(39,40) Up and down all hatred and desire for revenge, oblique sunset also arriving 

Perhaps internal fights within the party.

(39, 40) Lonesome stage makeup and costume and at night trembling/cold Qi, hazy moonlight crosses the railing

It is known that Hitler took extensive lessons in acting classes. Like many stage professionals, the roles they play have an empty part in their character as a mirror.

Hitler performing a stage acting pose

(41) At the small table barbarian wetness beating with the willow the flower blossoms spheres, a gust blows dancing above in the house with more than one story

You hardly can get more sexual with the interpretation of this line. „barbarian wetness“ may be translated as sth like BDSM, the „willow“ is a metaphor for a cane, „flower blossom“ the sexual parts of a female, „spheres“ the rounder parts on a females body, „a gust blows“ is a metaphor for jerking off. You get the idea. That Hitler had these sexual tendencies would make him a proper member of the nowadays Unicorn movement, back at his time that stuff was a big taboo and classified as perversion, jail sentence dooming. Anyhow, research has shown that Hitler indeed had these sexual tendencies and acted them out.

(41,42) These years probably suffering financial loss/bankruptcy, a pressing lawsuit and dispute arrives

NY stock market crash and start of the global economic crisis, also huge setbacks with election results for the NSDAP in German elections. Germans are as poor as church mice.

(43) There is no road without a hidden trap, key information is to be happy at the place also to conceal worry

Hitler fails at the election for becoming Reichspräsident, the winner is Ludendorff. Failure hardly ever unites a party.

(43, 44) From the West he goes to the East, tracks like floating in the wind

Hitler moves East towards Berlin. He makes 148 trips in one year with a plane to get to the mass gatherings of the election campaign. Indeed tracks like floating in the Wind.

(45, 46) Three schemes dedicated to take/go to the emperors main hall

Hitler becomes Chancellor of the Reichstag. Google the events around Franz Papen and the burning of the Reichstag. What followed was the successful seizing of total power for the Reich by Hitler.

(45,46) Contend to always arrange ones place/office, always double and triple proud of oneself

See comment above.

(47) Everybody hates and regrets (him) ZhuangZi sighs, today me also the same

Hitler seriously initiates the start of his Anti Jew programmes. The ministers of the Reichstag are stripped of most of their powers and become insignificant to their role.

(47,48) Knock at the door urgent voices quarrel often, one appears/meets with lawsuit and illness also there is a devil

This image is easy to get.

(47,48) Separating from God/the Spirit you must not smile like a demon, lousy going for money and wealth once again taking a lot of trouble

I have not much insight on the economical policies these years, it looks like Hitler could have been bribed financing the aramaments buildup. That money is known to have come from the Rockefellers of the USA. The Blitzkrieg would not have been possible without US credits and Opel patents.

(47,48) Huge granary with his millet, mice and small birds wasting it

At about this time it became clear that Germany, due to the policies of GB and USA inevitably could not feed itself in the long run and there was no way out.

(47,48) Proper these scenes in Springtime, slanting towards hate and envy the mood is jealous rain

The German Reich is at its political peak internally and externally with the Olympics held in 1936. The hate to Jews and anything “ inferiour“ is picking up speed also.

(49, 50) In an unbearable rush and hurry, not only the person is displeased and annoyed moreover there is an angry demon

The various annexions of countries bordering the Reich fall into that time. The lines imply that Hitler may have been possessed and obsessed by demonic forces.

(49, 50) Often encountering pure Yang, literature passing up to the height of the stars

At that time Hitler most certainly held the position of a modern day Super rockstar.

(51) Child takes possession of a high administrative section

That adminstrative section would be France. „Child“ is a metaphor for the Emperor.

(53,54) Equal/level movement of the common people, the common people luminous and bright

Talk about „Gleichschaltung“ everyone marching at the same step and thinking the same.

(53,54) The personnel fades away a lot of depression, how can one have recreation how can one approve

At Stalingrad Hitler lost the entire 6th Army and the losses by death or capture on the battlefields of German troops could not be easily replaced.

(54) Leading (them) straight to the front, yet not stopping

Even after Stalingrad Hitler only talked about major oncoming offensives.

(55) Kun Peng spreads out its wings, support your shaking self onto holding something straight/fair and reasonable on top

Kun Peng is a Chinese mythical beast. In the form of Kun it is a fish which can transform to sth like a giant bird, or a Roc. The USA are across the Atlantic and their symbol is the Eagle, just like the German national animal. This is also the year of the official entry into War between the two nations of Germany and the US, when the US crosses the great lake to Europe.

(55,56) One at once accomplishes a meritous deed, cup ones hands to live peacefully

That would be around 1944. The entire line seems out of place. Perhaps I made an error with the calculation. The one thing standing out in 1944 for Hitler personally was the attempt on his life by members of his Officer Staff. He survived adetonating bomb standing next to it, basically unharmed except for a broken little finger and one ear drum disrupted.

(57,58) He manages to have success

The line talks of success. The years are 1944-1945. The only way to make sense of it would be that Hitler got away alive and to a safe place in April 1945.

(59,60) The huge warchariot does not retreat/has no tracks, the wheelbarrow has no tracks

Until 1945 Hitlers directives basically were „No retreat nowhere“. The tanks had no tracks in the end for lack of fuel and the wheelbarrow for carrying away Hitlers corpse had no tracks because he never went to become a corpse at that time – that is as long as we believe the disclosed secret files of the CIA and FBI as well as the computed divination of the Ironplate.

(62) Sighing the ruler has a long life on top, after sixty years a second Spring

After his official death the ruler has a long life for a second Spring.

(63,64) By means of the firefly his brightness, faintly discernible

Happily hiding somewhere in Argentina. Who protected him? Most likely those who bribed him?

(65,66) He manages to ascend a branch of study, his glory arrives at old age

Painful to read the fucker would have had fun in his last years.

(65,66) Water flows flower blossom drops, how many worries

Time goes by, Karma starts to catch up.

(65,66) Me trembling not yet decreased, there is no need to ask for the East winds

His trembling attacks were already known in the mid 40ties. „East Winds“ equates to „Good mood“, that is over now.

(65,66) Satisfactorily moving wheels, picture of wealth and money arriving

No info on this one available to me. Looks like he got rich that time again, perhaps by holding industry shares.

(66) The Spring comes upon a withered tree (to be revived) is the image

Betterment of the disease.

(67) Sixty and seven, finding that the Literary Star has perished

No urge to write stuff anymore.

(69,70) Virtue and kindness to leave a good reputation, the orchids are growing fragrant

WTF, I must have miscalculated this.

(71,72) Everything one looks out and what one plans for often has bad luck, disaster succeeds disaster right away oh so wasteful

Bad times, nothing works.

(77) Count as to stop and being sent to go up to the floating clouds for a lodge

1965, Hitlers possible actual year of Death. I could compare with Bazi pointers, but that is too much work after all for now. Perhaps his corpse was burnt.

(99) A backscratcher and satisfied with oneself, image is that of leisurely good fortune

This line is entirely out of place and does not make sense. As seen previously there is a „2nd Spring season“ divined for Hitler. A full cycle goes 60 years. Spring season is 1/4 of the year, equalling about 15 years. 60+15=75, that roughly equals the 77 years of the line text, or 76 years of Western age as the actual Death year.


Out of all these fixed and set lines, only 2 or 3 seem to be off. Comparing with other examples from my research, that 98% accuracy is the norm for this fate calculation method.

Das Wesen des YinYang

Viele Leute die zum Beginn mit dem Konzept von Yin/Yang in Kontakt kommen, geschieht ihnen dies meist dergestalt, dass sie auf Tabellen stossen. Vielleicht noch mit einer kleinen Erklärung, dass Yin und Yang zueinander polar sind, ohne einander aber nicht auskommen, bzw. sein können. Die Tabellen zeigen dann meist Gegensatzpaare wie männlich/weiblich, heiss/kalt, oben/unten, reich/arm usw. Daran ist auch nichts falsch.

Die Schwierigkeit um die Idee wirklich zu fassen und zu begreifen ist die Konditionierung des Denkens der Westler. Im Westen ist es üblich, Werte entweder in absoluten Zahlen, oder durch Prozentangaben darzustellen. Das entspricht dann auch durchaus der Wirklichkeit und ist damit wahr. Ein Westler hat üblicherweise auch kaum ein Problem damit, die Idee des Yin/Yang soweit zu begreifen, dass er z.B. Sommer und Winter korrekt zuordnen kann, oder die relative Höhe von Gebäuden zueinander, die Richtung des Temperatur- oder Höhengefälles, diese ist ja eindeutig. Er vergleicht dann einfach was „mehr“ und was „weniger“ ist und liegt damit meistens auch richtig. Leider erfasst er damit die Idee nur teilweise. Binäres Denken ist der Westler gewohnt, aber er denkt kaum in Übergängen. Ein Westler hat theoretisch kein Problem damit, z.B. den absoluten Temperaturnullpunkt von 0° Kelvin, oder -273° Celsius zu denken. So sagt es ja die Wissenschaft. Und die Wissenschaft strebt auch durchaus seit vielen Dekaden an, diesen Nullpunkt der Temperatur im Labor zu erreichen. Doch was man findet ist, dass man sich diesem Nullpunkt zwar annähern kann, ihn aber nicht erreicht. Wieso ist das so? Aus meiner Sicht ist es unmöglich auf 0° Kelvin kommen zu können, da damit ein Zustand des absoluten Yin, der absoluten Starre, der Abwesenheit jeder Reibung (thermische Molekülbewehung) erreicht würde, und damit die Pole des Yin/Yang der Temperatur ineinanderstürzen würden (s.a. hier, dieselbe Idee auf ein anderes Gebiet angewendet). Der Begriff „Temperatur“ spreizt sich so wie jeder andere Begriff bereits aus sich heraus in zwei Pole auf, die Richtung der beiden Pole wird durch den Begriff oder das Ding selbst vorgegeben. Dies ist überall so, egal wo oder bei was. Ein hoher Berg erodiert und das Yang wandelt sich zum Yin wenn der das Relief eingeebnet ist. Der Wind kann Sheng Qi oder Sha Qi sein, je nachdem wie er weht. Bei zuviel Yang ist Yin förderlich, bei zuviel Yin das Yang (s.a. „Klassiker der Stätten„).

Das Wesen des Yin/Yang

Ein anderers Hindernis für den Westler ist sehr oft, zu begreifen, dass das Wesen des Yin polar zum Yang ist. Das rührt ebenfalls direkt aus der absoluten Denkweise her. Nehmen wir z.B. den Begriff „Säugetier.“ Man kann die Säugetiere nach allen möglichen Ausprägungen des Yin/Yang einordnen, z.B. gross/klein, Fleisch-/Pflanzenfresser, tag-/nachtaktiv usw. usf. Je nach deren Lebensweise verändert sich auch deren Wesen. Das Verhalten der Tiere ändert sich. Genauso wie z.B. das Säugetier „Mensch“ als Kind ein anderes Verhalten zeigt als im Alter. Bricht man das alles auf den Kern herunter, dann ist die gewichtigste Wertigkeit die der Polarität von Leben/Tod als das Yin/Yang des Seins. Und danach richtet sich die Weltanschauung des Feng Shui. Die Sahara ist Yin, obwohl sie sehr heiss ist. Die hohen Alpen sind zwar im Feng Shui Yang, für den Menschen aber Yin, weil man dort nicht gut leben kann. Eine Alpenspitze ist also gleichzeitig Yin und Yang, es kommt nur auf den Bezugspunkt an. Darauf, was man mit was vergleicht. Welche Referenz man heranzieht, welchen Bezugspunkt man setzt. Hier ist ein älterer Artikel zur Herkunft des Begriffspaars.

Der Bezugspunkt

Nehmen wir z.B. den Bezugspunkt, oder die Referenz „pH-Wert“. Die Polare des Yin und Yang sind sauer/basisch. Wieso hat noch kein Wissenschaftler versucht, die „absolute“ Säure oder Base herzustellen, so wie es bei der Temperatur versucht wird? Es leuchtet ein, dass solch eine Säure oder Base das All zersetzen würde, sie wäre ein absoluter Pol. Es gibt im All aber keine absoluten Pole. Der Mensch kann nur in einem sehr kleinen Schwankungsbereich von Yin/Yang leben. Im chinesischen System würde man die Polare Säure/Base unter das Element Holz einordnen. Das Blut des Menschen hat einen relativ absolut eingestellten Säurewert. Solange das Blut diesen Wert hat ist es Yang, da lebenserhaltend und lebensfördernd. Sobald dieser von der Norm abweicht gibt es schnell Probleme und die Schwelle zum schädigenden oder gar tödlichen Yin wird überschritten. Der Bibag ist ein Mittel, um den Säure-Basenwert im menschlichen Blut zu stabilisieren.

Und nun viel Vergnügen beim Spiel des Findens von Yin/Yang Polen :)

The five elements of the rooms

The function and usage of the individual rooms in a house yields the affiliation with one of the five elements. It is useful to know the elemental or five phases property of each room. The element of the room interacts with the elemental property of the eight palaces or eight main directions, which are the eight Guas.

Nursery represents 木 Wood

The nursery is the room where the children or the offspring is playing and sleeping. Children grow fast, so they are represented by the Wood element. While usually it is a good idea not to have too flashy colours or gadgets in the living space, for a nursery it is quite alright to have some colourful decor in this room. For young children, it is also helpful to have animals on display,the children will pick up the spiritual properties of the animal. For example, if you have a wallpaper displaying elephants in a nursery, it helps the child to become smarter and more responsible. If the child is lucky to have a pet and is made to care for it, that is even better, to care for another being will boost the confidence level of the child. Check the chinese horoscope of the child to decide which animal would be most beneficial. Nursery respresents the liver. Also, this article may be of interest to you in case you are active parents.

Bedroom represents 金 Metal

The bedroom is the place to retreat. Most cognitive processes go to sleep there or are drawn to within. So the bedroom is represented by the element of metal. Bedroom and kitchen are the most important rooms in Feng Shui. If in doubt, go for the physical Feng Shui to be correct or at least not detrimental there first, before considering formula. It is good Feng Shui to have a solid bed with the head to the wall. If possible, sleep with the head towards one of your auspicious directions. Bedroom should have as little Fire items in it as possible: no TV, no Computer, or electrical devices. A bathroom connected directly to the bedroom is bad Feng Shui, I have seen that a lot in the US. Make sure your feet are not pointing towards the door. In most cases the headboard should not be below the window, here some exceptions prove the rule, but be careful. Bedroom represents the lungs.

Kitchen represents 火 Fire

The kitchen is the palace of Fire. It is the prime space for transformation in the house and in the traditional Feng Shui view, just as tin the traditional western view, the main palace of the woman. You can say a lot about the woman in Feng Shui once you see the state of the kitchen. Kitchen itself refers to the stomach, but the heart of the kitchen is the stove. The stove together with the bed is one of the key items in traditional Feng Shui, and of its placement should be taken much care and consideration. Stove is important for making money. If you know how to set up the stove correctly, it helps to make money and keep the woman more happy in a relationship. Just as much as the stomach area is in charge of the emotional state of a person, the condition of the kitchen is related to the emotional Feng Shui of the people living there. Keep the stove safe from attacks by water, like the faucet etc, give the stove a solid wall at the back, and have it in a secure place, where nobody can snatch away your money opportunities just like that. Too much fire in a kitchen is no good thing neither, avoid excessive red colour. To keep the man of the house happy, better not have the kitchen in the Qian palace.

Livingroom represents 土 Earth

In the livingroom, placement of TV and the seating furniture is important, also the placement of the cabinets and plants, if you have any. Like in the kitchen, try to not place the TV in Qian palace. The number and size as well as placement of sofas and armchairs will have a significant impact on the relationship. If possible, put the sofa with its back to a wall. The livingroom also is in charge of your relationships with colleagues, friends and associates. Therefore, be careful in your choice of pictures and items displayed in the livingroom. It is a good idea to have the living room tidy and not tooo cramped up with stuff at all times. The organ represented by the livingroom is the spleen.

Bathroom represents 水Water

The bathroom is the palace of water and in the modern day also the space for the dirty water. Water is money in Feng Shui. The main item in the modern day bathroom of course is the toilet. However, the toilet is Sha Qi, so it is a good idea to put it as carefully into any location as the stove and bed. Namely, stove and bed should be affected as little as possible by the toilet. A bathroom should never be dirty or damp. If you cannot have a window, or natural light in there, at least make sure the ventilation is able to suck out the damp air. In the old days, the toilet was placed outside of the house, this still is the best placement of the toilet. Toilet in Qian or Kun palace is not a good thing. Bathroom represents the kidneys. Learning about the Feng Shui impact of the bathroom was a fun thing for me, it was not quite what I expected. If in doubt, ask the Feng Shui practitioner of your choice.

Always remember that the outside influences weigh about 70% of the Feng Shui. Inside you can adjust to about 30% of the influences. Most outside influences are fixed these days, even more so in case you live in an apartment. So it is a good idea to have the Feng Shui of a place assessed before you move in. Some things can be fixed, while others cannot.

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