Lately I have been picking on a lot on formula, therefore today it is going to be some naked eye Feng Shui.
A temple, or lair, of one of those „Free“ Churches
By coincidence i ran across one of the congregation centers of those people knocking at anybodys door, asking questions like „do you think it is possible to be happy until the end of your life“, or „we want to talk about god with you“, you possibly know the type. So just from a naked eye Feng Shui point, their facade (face) here has barely any eyes, or organs to see with. Windows are present at ground level, all barred up. Actual windows are present at the Tiger wing of the builing, but they cannot see very far and their perspective is narrow. The facade is just a big mouth, with two tongues, or a split tongue. If you ever got into a conversation with these people, you might have noticed their modus opreandi is largely putting people on a guilt trip. Aside from naked eye Feng Shui, the building fittingly is facing the Snake mountain. There is a big male reproduction organ on the male side of the building and a coffin type structure on the female side of the building. The facade is all mouth, frowning and crammed with teeth. The face has a cheeky chin beard too, like talkers tend to have. The roof behind is of a different building, however it looks like a hat, with some crude antenna on top of it. The gate in front of the parking lot looks like a cattle fence gate. You just got to trust those guys ;)
Other than that, the form Feng Shui is supporting them very well, Turtle good, Dragon and Tiger supportive.
My guess would be some strict assertive guys and more in numbers yielding females with some more or less disorganised thoughts. There also might be some slagging going on. On the premises, there is not a single tree and it is pretty barren.
For a very long time, Basel is a very wealthy city. Basel in the medieval ages was a primary hub for commerce and trade, connecting the southern and northern parts of Europe. Today, a huge amount of world class companies have their postboxes registered in Basel, with no actual real branch office there.
This Swiss city borders to France and Germany. Nowadays, a huge proportion of its work force is coming from other countries, mainly working for the pharmaceutical and financial industries of the city. In medieval times, a huge proportion of the work force also came from the neighbouring Alsace to find work there. The Townhall of Basel in its recent form dates back to the years 1504 to 1517. Although the Grossrat of Basel regularly makes statements about geopolitical issues, nobody seems to hardly take any notice. Nevertheless, Basel continues to be a very wealthy city. The main water feature here is the Rhine. Cities like Zürich or Geneva are wealthy because of their relative position to major lakes, Basel has no lakes, but it has the Rhine. How does the Feng Shui of the Rhine serve the wealth of Basel?
Townhall of Basel marked with red dot
The Townhall of Basel is built with Gen as the Sitting. The Rhine enters the city limits from straight East, and it exits them to the North. The first bridge to have been built was the middle bridge, dating back to around 1225, just as a sidenote: Basel has five bridges, just as it happens to have five incoming Dragons. With this Sitting and main water flow coming from the East, the Townhall enjoys incoming Later Heaven water. This formation makes for a lot of wealth. The river exits at North, this is called the VIP direction. Water entering at the VIP direction is not a good thing, however exiting there is not bad. So the actual political and sociological situation in Basel matches with the theory of the Feng Shui formula. Had they built the Townhall a bit more to the East, they could have enjoyed not only wealth, but also much higher political power potential.
Mountain ranges are the bodies of Dragons in Feng Shui. The Dragons in Feng Shui are said to bring different energies to the areas around them, good and bad. Dragons also are related to Power. There are 9 types of Dragons in total. Where the Dragon ends, there is its head.
In Basel, we have the centre of the world wide spiders web of currency, here the headquarter of the IWF/BIZ is located on an extranational plot of land. Also here are the headquarters of Roche and Novartis, the Pharma giants. Roche recently made a bold move with their skyscrapers, now dominating and suppressing half of the city. So we have the theme of money and medicine/poison. Lots of power here, how about the Dragons?
We got 4 Dragons of the Tan Lang type incoming towards Basel. The 5th one on the far east terminates at Augusta Raurica (now Kaiseraugst), the ancient capital of the Roman helvetian province, this Dragon is cut and does not have much power anymore to provide might and power to the town of Kaiseraugst where it terminates. All Tan Lang Dragons originate from the mighty backbone of the Jura mountains. The Tan Lang of Muttenz terminates in a beautiful form, resembling a poison animal, the scorpion. This is where the medicine/pharmaceutical influence for Basel comes from.
The Po Jun branch comes from the far off Vogesen mountains and terminates on the territory of France. In the medieval ages, the people of Basel and St. Louis were mortal enemies, with the power of their Po Jun Dragon they could fend off the expansionist Basel authorities by the use of cannon balls.
On the German side, we find a Fu Dragon, allocated to Star Nr. 8, named Fu. It originates from the huge and mighty Po Jun Dragon of the Black Forest in Germany.
Fu Dragon, Star Nr. 8
For a long time, i was wondering about the rather weird mountain forms across Basel on the German side of the Rhine valley. It was only after i had translated the Nine Stars of the Dragon/Shaking the Dragon classic, before i came to know what these mountains are: they belong to the category of Star Nr. 8, Fu.
Dragon of type Star Nr. 8, Fu
Der Meister schreibt:
前高后低大小球,伸舒腰长如杖鼓 Vorne hoch/steil dahinter niedrig/flach grosse und kleine Bälle, lang ziehend die Taille wie ein Trommelstock
后大前小驼峰侔,下有两脚平行去 [Oder] hinten gross und vorne klein mit einem kleinen Gipfel ähnlich einem Höcker, darunter gibt es zwei Füsse welche flach laufend [gleichzeitig/parallel] schreiten
或在武曲左右游,此龙如何近武曲 Möglicherweise wird Wu Qu links und/oder rechts [nahebei] schwimmen, von diesem Drachen kann man annehmen dass Wu Qu nahebei ist
自是分宗为伯叔,分宗定作两贵龙 Seine Klasse verzweigt sich wie nach Onkeln und Schwiegersöhnen, diese Klasse verzweigt sich und hat zwei edle Drachen
此与他星事不同,武曲两傍必生辅 Dies und die Angelegenheit seiner Sterne sind unterschiedlich, wenn zwei Wu Qu nahebei sind dann wird sicherlich Fu erzeugt
方正之垣号太微,垣有四门号天市 Gerade und aufrecht sind seine Wände sein Zeichen steil abfallende Wände, die Wände haben vier Tore das Zeichen der Himmlischen Stadt
紫微垣外前后门,华盖三台前后卫 Purpurn abfallende Wände aussen herum um die Vorderseite dahinter das Tor, den glänzenden Baldachin mit drei Terrassen rundum beschützend
中有过水名御沟,抱城屈曲中间流 Darin gibt es das querende Wasser die berühmte Rinne durchfahrend, die umarmenden Stadtmauern darin fliesst der sich krümmende und windende Strom
紫薇垣内星辰足,天市太微少全局 Purpurne Königsfarnwände darin Sterne an des Drachen Füssen, die Himmlische Stadt gross [aber] wunderbar klein in der Gesamtanordnung
The methods described in this book use the hour of birth against year of birth as one method, the second is comparing the year of birth with the lunar month of birth and the third one gives predictions based on year of birth versus the Chinese lunar date of any lunar month.
Let´s have a look at those predictions with regard to three examples: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Leonardo DiCaprio and Marylin Monroe.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Prediction by Birthhour: Arnold is born in a Pig year at the hour of the Tiger. The prediction goes like this:
A Pig person born at the hour of the Tiger tends to be egotistical, coarse, self opinionated and bold. They have bad relationships with their siblings. Their luck for friends is fairly well, however they have weak benefactor luck. Once they start working on their mental roughness, they can achieve big things in life.
Next would be looking up the year of birth against the month, that is Horse month born in Pig year.
These people possess an above average intelligence. They are easygoing, liberty-loving people and usually encounter plenty vicissitudes in their life. Once they concentrate their focus, they can accomplish exceptional feats. They are not afraid of taking huge risks, which possibly may result in the destruction of their career.
And third we look at the general prediction for a person born in a Pig year, Arnold was born on the 13th day of the sixth lunar month.
These people are very cautious in keeping good relationships with others. They keep their composure at all times and conceal their intentions until the opportunity for them to realise those arises. They then seize their opportunity like a lightning bolt.
Combined, the three methods paint a fitting image of the traits of an actor, or a politician. Arnold acted in both professions.
Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo Dicaprio is born in a Tiger year at Ox hour.
A Tiger person born at the hour of the Ox tends to be optimistic, sociable and kind hearted. They easily receive help from others and are blessed with the luck of turning bad things into good ones. Being gifted with intelligence and an open mind, they easily find the good aspects of any situation. They tend to enjoy a life without too many problems, only thing they should take good care of would be their health.
He is born in the 9th lunar month:
These people are intelligent and skilled. They possess many gifts, however they only learn “by the book” and rarely develop their own views on a matter or topic. They heavily rely on existing dogmas and look down on those who do not comply to the same maxims like they do. In general they are haughty. As a result they are not very well liked by others and rarely receive much help. The key for them would be to develop their own view on matters, have the courage to be “the black sheep”, endure some troubles and unfurl their own talents.
Let´s see what the lunar date prediction is:
These people are indomitable, however they lack ingenuity. The relationship with their family is poor and weak and they tend to get entangled into arguments with others easily.
Leonard0 is a top actor and known to be able to adapt any given character, while Arnold usually only plays himself. His „home director“ is Martin Scorcese, hardly ever working with anybody else.
Marilyn Monroe
She was born in a Tiger year at Snake hour:
A Tiger person born at the hour of the Snake is likely to face many ups and downs in life and many problems. Their link with their family is weak, however they are likely to find a good marriage partner. For all their lack, they are prone to depression. Widening their horizon by educating themselves and mingling with society would help them.
Born Tiger year, Snake hour
Her birth month is the 4th lunar month:
These people are born lucky. They can enjoy a happy marriage, good children born with good luck for themselves, and gain high rank and acquire extensive wealth. Becoming a government official is a suitable career for them. Whatever these people touch turns into gold, they can enjoy a happy life and do not worry about encountering any major mishaps or catastrophes.
She was born on the 21st day of the lunar month:
These people are blessed with a happy childhood, but have to go through obstacles and problems during their adolescence. They can expect only so much of support from their relatives. They have to build up their own foundation (sometimes more than once) and experience many ups and downs. Their life is rugged and tiresome.
All three combined to a new image, these predictions for Marilyn Monroe seem to be pretty applicable.
Der Migros am Standort Dreispitz Basel zeigte über die letzten 15 Jahre ein stetiges Wachstum, welches diesen zu einer der wirtschaftlich erfogreichsten Migros Filialen in der Schweiz werden liess – eine Gelegenheit für mich das externe Feng Shui dieser Fläche einmal näher zu betrachten. Gemäss Wikipedia begann der Bau der Anlage in 2001 und wurde im Jahre 2010 nach drei Bauphasen fertiggestellt. Zur Aufteilung des Innenbereichs möchte ich nur anmerken, dass der grosse äussere Ming Tang (Parkplatz) mit einem äusserst grosszügigem inneren Ming Tang (Foyer mit Backwarenverkauf) wunderbar komplementiert wird. Lediglich die Anlage der Rolltreppen könnte besser sein, da in der derzeitigen Form der zweite Stock an Qi-Mangel leidet und dementsprechend die Umsatzzahlen dort nicht so hoch ausfallen dürften, wie das Potential der Gesamtanlage an sich verheissen würde.
Migros Dreispitz, Gesamtanlage
Die Schildkröte ist ausreichend, der Drache hat genügend Raum, der Tiger freut sich über die Hauptstrasse und der Phönix hält ausreichend viel Qi zurück. Das Gelände ist im wesentlichen von einer Hecke bzw. Bäumen umsäumt, das Qi kann daher gut auf der Fläche vor dem Haus angereichert werden. Die Zu- und Abfahrten sind sehr gut definiert und einfach auszumessen. Nachteilig wirkt sich die extrem gross ausfallende falsche Fassade aus, auch wenn auf deren Rückseite Solarpanele angebracht sind. Dies betrifft allerdings nur das festangestellte Personal – es fühlt sich kleiner bzw. weniger gewertschätzt, als es in Wirklichkeit ist. Insgesamt dürfte die Arbeitsstimmung aber eher gut sein.
Der Gebäudeumriss selbst erweckt den Eindruck eines Containerschiffes, mit der Schiffsbrücke am Platz des Gebäudekopfes – perfekt. Die Form des Gebäudes legt eine starke weibliche Besetzung nahe, Frauen bilden die Basis und den „Körper“ des Betriebes. Die Männer halten sich hier im Ausdruck eher zurück, können sich allerdings sobald nötig in aller Schärfe durchsetzen. Dies betrifft insbesondere das Führungspersonal. Die Basisform des Grundstücks ist scharf rautenförmig (Feuerdominanz), nicht optimal für eine Wohnstätte, allerdings ganz Ok für einen Verkaufsbetrieb, insbesondere im Lebensmittelbereich. Insgesamt ist das Form Feng Shui also recht gut.
San He Analyse
Blickrichtung 癸 Gui, Haupt- Qi-Austritt 乙 Yi, Neben-Qi-Austritt 辛 Xin: wirklich nicht besonders spektakulär in bezug auf die Hauptwasserformel. Die Interpretation ergibt „kein Wohlstand, keine Nachkommen, ruhiges ereignisarmes Leben ohne grosse Vorkommnisse“. Markante Gully-Abflüsse habe ich keine gefunden, Bäche und Flüsse sind weit entfernt, der Einfluss realen Wassers dürfte hier zu vernachlässigen sein. Am San He Setup der Strassen kann der Erfolg dieser Filiale also kaum liegen.
Xuan Kong Da Gua (XKDG) Analyse
Die Blickrichtung der Anlage liegt bei 24° und fällt damit unter das Hexagramm 51: 8/1, Vaterhexagramm der Familie Zhen Sun. Die Hauptzufahrt liegt, egal wie man diese ausmisst, im Hexagramm 21: 3/6, Tochterhexagramm Zhen Sun. Die Hauptzufahrt läuft nicht direkt auf den Haupteingang zu, sodass die förderliche Wirkung dieser Kombination gegeben ist. In Stern und Gua finden wir jeweils eine sehr günstige He Tu Kombination. Zudem befinden sich beide Hexagramme nicht nur in derselben Hexagrammfamilie, sondern die Bedingung dass mindestens ein Elternhexagramm beteiligt sein sollte ist über das Vaterhexagramm ebenfalls erfüllt. Yin/Yang sind ausgeglichen, die Töchter unterstützen den Vater. Diese Hexagrammfamilienkombination verspricht einen langsamen, aber sehr nachhaltigen und kontinuierlichen Aufstieg und Erfolg. Die Kombination dieser bedien Hexagramme reicht schon um den derzeitigen Erfolg dieser Filiale zu erklären.
Die Hauptausfahrt liegt im Hexagramm 61: 2/3, Familie Heng Yi/Sun Xian. Über das Gua finden wir eine Zehnerkombination: gut für Geld. Es gibt keine Hexagrammfamilienanbindung und der Stern ist ausserhalb seiner Zeit.
Die Nebenausfahrt fällt ins Hexagramm 39: 7/2 und Familie Zhen Sun. Dies ist beinahe perfekt: die Hexagrammfamilie bekommt eine zweite Tochter und über das Gua ergibt sich eine 15er Kombination. Der Stern ist leider ausserhalb seiner Zeit.
Etwas weniger wichtig ist die Zufahrt zum Dachparking, es gibt dort auch keine signifikanten förderlichen Einflüsse was das XKDG betrifft.
In der Gesamtbetrachtung sehen wir also vollständig alle XKDG technisch möglichen guten Gua Kombinationen aktiv: 5er, 10er, 15er und HeTu sind miteinander verbunden und aktiv, was an sich schon eine recht seltene und gute Sache ist. Der Umsatz hat durch Stammkundschaft sowie auch durch Zufallskundschaft Bestand und die He Tu Kombination legt nahe, dass die Geschäftsleitung die jeweiligen Zeichen der Zeit rechtzeitig erkennt und sich entsprechend und erfolgreich an eine neue Lage anpassen kann: es werden die richtigen Entscheidungen getroffen.
Die Nachhaltigkeit und der Erfolg des Unternehmens wird durch die Vater/Tochter/Tochter Kombination in der Zhen Sun Familie gewährleistet.
Fazit: Dauerhaft gute Aussichten für den Migros Standort Dreispitz!
Lately i visited some big store in Switzerland. That store is located in one of those rather bleak zones where all the big shops coagulate, this is the aerial view:
Shop Area delineated in orange, main entrance marked in yellow
This shop is suffering a massively huge Sickle Sha, which is considered very bad. However, business appeared to be good and in addition the staff was friendly and relaxed. The interior of the shop was pretty well laid out. Outside influence are more powerful than inside Feng Shui, so at the place i checked the view from the door:
View from main entrance outwards
Again, not really pretty, but the core Form Feng Shui is intact: the sickle is buffered by a solid hedge and then a considerable Ming Tang. Tiger is very strong, Dragon not, Red Bird has nice rolling hills and a table. The sharp aggressive Qi from the sickle has to climb over the hedge and can collect in front of the door. Pretty nice. I still was intrigued, so i checked the main XKDG setup for the place:
Checking the Qi mouths
Entrance 9/9, incoming sickle blade 2/9, confluence 2/7. Hexagram Families not matching, Gua’s not matching but countering in, Stars in harmony. Not the best setup, but obviously the setup like it is, is fully supported by the landform. I learned you need to see the Qi mouth, so perhaps landform does its job without the formula, however the formula even with the blocked view to the Qi mouths supports the landform. One thing that would help further would be if the main entrance would be visible from the access street, which is behind the building – not applicable in this case.
The Earthly Branch for 2025 is 巳 Si, Snake. The Heavenly Stem for 2025 is 乙 Yi, small wood. Both symbols resemble a snake. So in a way, 2025 is a double snake year. The main element of the Snake is Bing, great Fire, or Sun. Metal is born at the Snake in the form of 辛 Xin, small knife of Dagger. Also, there is 戊 Wu Earth hidden in the Snake. Si resembles a coiled snake, Yi resembles a moving snake, also vines, ropes, brushes, small wood. Snakes are said to be cold, conniving, deadly, either by poison or constriction. Snakes like to hide and strike suddenly and unexpectedly. Snakes also are said to be vessels of wisdom. The biblical snake is a seducer. Snakes shed their old skin to grow. Snakes are coldblooded creatures, they need the sun to be able to move. Snakes have a split tongue, liars and double speakers, delivering falseness. Snakes are great hypnotisers. Snakes have no friends. Moses, the great (evil?) wizard of the bible was a snake sorcerer, he carried a staff he could turn into a snake. His staff ate up the staffs of the ancient egyptian Pharao’s priests.
The Greeks also had strong symbols with snakes, e.g. the caduceus:
Greek Caduceus: two snakes winding up a staff: image of nervous system and spine
The original caduceus also depicts the Kundalini force of Yoga. In the West, this symbol was crippled by taking away one snake. You might know it, the medical professions in the West use this crippled caduceus as their emblem (their philosophy on medicine is onesided). The Caduceus belongs to Hermes, the greek god of communication, trade, money, travel, news, propaganda. All the above are going to be major themes for 2025, the overarching major theme likely will be: Transformation. So many dogmas are going to be challenged. So much poison and lies will be delivered, however this year it likely will be mutual, i.e. the lower classes, the people (巳 Si, Earthly Branch) will be ready to defend themselves (coiled snake) while the upper classes, or government (乙 Yi, Heavenly stem), will continue their effort to restrict, constrict and fetter. The general advice for those wanting to grow is:shed your skin, leave the old house of your soul behind to rot, because it will not be fit to the new circumstances. In an extreme form this means: transform, or die.
I live near the main place of Paracelsus, the „grandfather“ of modern medicine. There is a Paracelsus clinic in Basel. What those proud Basiliens (their town is built around the well of the Basilisk, a type of Dragon) like to suppress is the fact that the senate of the town at the time chased Paracelsus out of the city under the threat of death. On the middle bridge you can also find a tiny metal badge, commemorating the countless witches, male and female, burnt in the city. Paracelsus, at the time, was not politcally correct. Well, times and circumstances change, the themes do not. 2025 is likely going to be a year when the people start fighting back. Paracelsus coined the medical phrase „Dosis facit venetum“ – the dosis makes the poison. Poison has the power to heal in the correct amounts, too much of it and it becomes deadly. Wisdom equals poison, no?
Looking at the elements hidden in the branches, there is great Fire, small Metal, great Earth. With the purple white Stars in Earth palaces (see below), Satan (the symbol of the biblical snake in paradise) will shed his light all over the Earth. The shadows will become visible by contrast. More wars, changing of the boundaries of countries, everybody prodding (see Moses above) and stabbing at each other. Truth vs. Lies, poison to counterpoison.
Snakes can endure extremely long times of not getting food. Food prices are likely to go up. The moods are HOT. Anger and petty fights abound. Make peace with your own self. Truth in lies, lies in truth, doublethink and doublespeak turn against themselves. Transform or die. Horses are being used to produce antidotes against snake poison, so watch out for the Horse born people this year, or people with Horse in their four pillars. They may or may not be able to provide you with proper antidotes for the poison at work, at home, in the country, in the world. The snake lured Eva into Adam eating the apples of wisdom in paradise, such propelling both out of paradise. Out of paradise is where you want to be in 2025. The two snakes of the caduceus entwine the spine, therefore depicting the nervous system AND the spine. I think a flexible yet strong and healthy spine is what everybody should look for. Snakes are all spine, no extremities. Not a good time for spineless people.
Feng Shui influences for the Year of the Wood Snake
Chinese New year is around the corner, and so is the „changing of the guards“ for the different Feng Shui influences for the upcoming year. Before I comment on some of the most important influences, let us have a look at an image of those I would like to discuss in this article:
Main yearly Feng Shui influences for the year of the Green Snake, 2025
Tai Sui, Sui Po, San Sha
You can see that the Tai Sui lands in SE3 sector, which is the mountain/sector of the Snake. Tai Sui means sth like „General of the Year“, or „Leader of the Year“. Last year that was the Dragon, this year it will be the Snake, next year the Horse is in charge. Although it is not per se a negative energy, it is a very powerful energy nobody should dare to offend. The same, a bit less powerful, goes for the force of „Sui Po“. Both energies like it quiet. It is very important to keep these two areas quiet, bright and clean this year, emphasis on „Quiet!“. This means, no renovations here in 2025. Least movement as possible too; in case you have a door in these sectors, be sure to open and close the door quietly, never slam it. Even putting a nail in the wall: no good idea. Keep these areas free of Radios, TV’s, loudspeakers. If you can, make sure you are not putting your back to Tai Sui for extended periods of time, like sitting in an office. Turning your back towards Tai Sui will offend the General just like a soldier turning his back towards an officer. Facing/Opposing Tai Sui is no good idea neither, Tai Sui might feel challenged and retaliate. In general, avoid the axis of Snake/Pig altogether if you can. To ward off some of the evil influences, you can place a small round metal plate into the respective sectors of Snake and Pig. Houses or apartments which are facing Tai Sui will have a weakened energy in 2025, it is a good idea to strengthen the Feng Shui of these sites. You can pacify the Tai Sui energy by using its combination animal, in the year of the Snake that would be the Monkey.
Next very strong influence is the 3 Sha, or San Sha. Same like with Tai Sui/Sui Po, avoid any renovations or strong vibrations in the entire East sector or palace. Keep it quiet. If you need to do renovations, use the relatively safe times of the great Sun and Moon formula, or postpone to another year. Annoying Tai Sui, Sui Po, San Sha can lead to various problems, like accidents, mishaps, sickness, failure, etc.
The annual Purple White Stars
Before discussing the annual Stars, the so called „natal chart“ of the property and the people living there needs to be assessed. However, the power of the annual Stars in general is more potent than that of the natal Stars of the building. There are various different methods to arrive at the „natal“ flying stars chart of the site, differing schools have different formulae. With this, you need to trust the Feng Shui practitioner of your choice.
These are commonly known as the „Annual Flying Stars“. These Stars change position each year. There are good, neutral and bad annual Stars. The bad guys are: 5 yellow, 2 black, 7 red, 3 jade. Neutral is 4 green. Auspicious Stars are 1 white, 6 white, 8 white and to a certain extent 9 purple. Like in the westerns, the guys dressed in white are always the good guys. 9 purple usually is a „Joker“, meaning that it enhances either good or bad. As this Star Nr. 9 now is timely, it behaves more like an auspicious Star. In Feng Shui, one first neutralises or „cures“ any bad influences before enhancing the good ones.
The bad Stars
The worst Star is Star Nr. 5, the energy of the ruler. In 2025, it flies to the Northeast, the Ghost Gate. As Star 5 is the energy of the just but stern ruler, my hunch is that some of the power and influence of the dead souls might be granted access via this gate to exert influence on the Earth. Its element is Earth, its sigil is of Fire. Use metal to pacify it. Metal is justice, concentration, righteousness. Because this Star, besides being a Star for general misfortune, also is a sickness and poison Star, you can use a three legged toad (toads are poisonous animals) made of brass to subdue and mitigate its effects. Avoid the colour red as taboo in an annual 5 sector. Do not use green. Use metal colours: white, silver, gold. Avoid action there too, keep the sector quiet. If you like to use sound here, use metal sounds, such as metal gongs, singing bowls, or piano.
Next in line is Star Nr. 7. This is a metal Star. Its symbol is a dagger or a knife. Accidents, backstabbing, theft, robbery, injury, quarrel are its favourite themes. Avoid red, green, brown and earth colours. Avoid any images depicting any violence, destruction or discord. Use blue, water, or vinegar to rust the metal of this Star and render it useless. If you have a little daughter in the family, skip the above and use a Dragonturtle figurine made of brass instead.
Star Nr. 3 Jade is another troublemaker. This is a Wood Star. Avoid plants in the NW this year. Stay clear of Water in any form in this palace too. Keep it quiet in this sector. Do not use green/wood, blue/black/water and white/metal in the NW. Actually, all these elements except Metal should stay out of the NW anyway, no matter which year. Normally one would use Fire to reduce the power of this Star, however Fire is not a good idea in the NW. You can use Earth elements here, colours are yellow and earthen.
Sickness Star Nr. 2 black visits the centre, or TaiJi. Note that all Earth Stars visit Earth palaces this year. Their effect will be stronger than in other years. Star Nr. 2 flies to the centre, its effect will permeate everywhere. If you can, put a golden calabash there to trap some of the sickness energy. Also use metal, white, gold, silver objects and colours. Avoid any triplets there. If you cannot place items there, use a round rug in a metal colour and put it in the centre.
The good Stars
Star Nr. 1 is a pretty benevolent Star anyway, and its energy is on the rise. Used correctly, it can mitigate some of the effects of the Tai Sui energy, as it lands in the Southeast sector this year. It stands for nobilty, academic success, status, reputation, drive. Its ancient name is „Greedy Wolf“, so it helps your ambition too. In Xuan Kong, this is a Water Star, in San He a Wood Star. In short, use the spirit of the bamboo.
Star Nr. 6 is a metal Star, it flies to the South Fire sector in 2025. Use Earth to help its effect in 2025, avoid Fire and Wood. For those having nobleman luck this year, activate Star Nr. 6 to enhance chances to gain fame and success.
Star Nr. 8 is a good Star too, its element is Earth. It flies into Kun Palace, or SW sector. Avoid Wood and Metal, use Fire.
All good Stars align on the Yang Southern side of the chart. All bad Stars align around Yin Northern side of the chart. Good vs. Evil.
Das Chinesische Neujahr nach dem lunaren Kalender fällt in 2025 auf den 29. Januar. Dies ist der erste Tag des Neuen Jahres. Die in diesem Artikel genannten Termine fallen dieses Jahr entsprechend auf folgende Daten:
24. Tag des letzten Monats des alten Jahres, Verabschiedung des Küchengottes: 23.1.2025
28. Tag des letzten Monats des alten Jahres, Waschen aller Kleider: 27.1.2025
29. Tag des letzten Monats des alten Jahres, Besuch der Ahnengräber: 28.1.2025
Chinesischer Neujahrstag: 29.1.2025
2. Neujahrstag, Tag des Gottes des Reichtums: 30.1.2025
3. Neujahrstag, Im Hause bleiben: 31.1.2025
6. Neujahrstag, Verjagung des Gottes der Armut: 3.2.2025
7. Neujahrstag, Fest der Erschaffung des Menschen: 4.2.2025
Während der Zeitspanne des Neujahrsfestes soll man:
Nichts kaputt machen oder zerbrechen, insbesondere Spiegel
Mit Mitmenschen den Ausgleich suchen
Nichts Schlechtes, sondern Gutes über andere reden
Gute Dinge denken, keine schlechten
Den eigenen Raum sauber und ordentlich halten
Vorsichtig fahren (gilt eigentlich das ganze Jahr ;) )
That is what I think about the metaphysical side of Feng Shui. The physical or material side is easy to understand and apply. The metaphysical side is more like an Art or a game, because you can arrive at a similar effect using very different approaches. One example from my early experiments may illustrate what I mean:
Cutting a tree without touching it
About 15 years ago, i had a case of a some tenants apartment. One of the problems was located at the backyard. The apartment was in one of those housing blocks built in the 60ies, very common in big Swiss cities. The facing of that apartment was towards that backyard. The property management some years ago had planted pine trees, and those pine trees, while being nice at first when being small, grew like bamboo fighting for sunlight, in the process stealing the light from the house and because of a lack of proper space were about touching the house. That is bad in Feng Shui.
The solution would be to trim or cut the young aggressive pines. However, not advisable for the tenant to take a chainsaw and cut them down just like this. So what to do? Time to get creative, i guessed. So i looked up a GengShen (big axe upon big axe) day and the tenant got himself a real hatchet. That hatchet on that day on a certain hour (i took a clash date) was mounted vertically (attack position) on a stand, with the blade of it directed towards the stem of the pine next to the apartment. While mounting the hatchet to its position, I focused on the wish that pine would be removed. No formula involved, just some very basic Date selection, precise positioning and intention.
I forgot the exact time span, after about 2 weeks or a bit less, that pine was chopped down by professional workers the property management must have had sent. The tree next to the house was gone, light came into the apartment.
So you might say: „Just mere coincidence“! I fully agree. This is not science. It may or may not be able to be repeated. Problem with science is: it demands the same result under any condition. Science has a day of 24hs and that is valid for everyone. So science assumes every day is like the same, within the rules of the seasons. However it neglects the fact that every day is different and that people born on different days, in different seasons, in different years, do have different mental and physical qualities or characteristics. It also suppresses or ignores any real occurences not in line with scientific dogma, e.g. the gravitational anomalies which can be found and be verified by anyone (e.g. in Italy there is a spot in the mountains where you have to push the brakes uphill, and push the gaspedal downhill). So for the more „magical“ aspects of Feng Shui: it works or it does not. When it works it is just a mere coincidence. I can live with that, what does it matter as long as the purpose is fulfilled?
This case study might also highlight the power of intention and imagination. If you are really good at that, i think you will not need the energy of the Date. Imo, in that specific case it would not have worked without the power of intention and also timing the proper time of putting out that intention.
Youtube washed up this video for me. It features the locations of Putin’s 13 residences in and around Europe and Asia. Besides being very informative, it enables anyone to have a look on the Feng Shui of his buildings.
Some of you might know that i research European Renaissance Feng Shui, so i was baffled and electrified to see that the guys who built this palace for him, obviously are using ancient Chinese Feng Shui principles in sync with the European Renaissance Garden and Palace Feng Shui. By the way, do you know who was the first person to experimentally use it at the time? Ya, of course, the Pope in Rome, who else… research it yourself if you do not believe me ;)
The residence i like to portray just a bit is Putin’s Neo-Renaissance Palace, located at Cape Idokopas, Russia. According to Wikipedia, it was constructed in 2005. So they built a Renaissance inspired Palace all anew in 2005. Most people might think that is just another quirk of some megalomanic individual, and why should they not, apart the fact that he simultaneously is the Head of a Superpower. However, he apparently uses the principles of Power Feng Shui based on landform, which most people will unlikely be able to spot. Everything just looks natural, right? Well, yes and no. Have a look at the macrosetup of his Palace:
Putin’s Palace at Cape Idokopas, Russia
Anybody can see that the residence is sited at the end of a ridge which is terminating towards the Black Sea. Anybody can see the main axis is running aligned with the direction of the ridge. Anybody can see the 9 fold bended road incoming. Anybody can see the two Helipads. Have you heard of the Vesica Pisces? Just asking. I leave it at these teasers.
Way back i did some work on the Palace at Wilhelmshöhe in Kassel (depicted in this article is the 2nd building phase, after remodeling). Unlike most other Renaissance Feng Shui projects, in Wilhelmshöhe the building Master used the Mountains to charge the Palace in a rather obvious way. Within 70 years, the small Electorate of Hessen-Kassel was catapulted to be a player at the European Powergame of the time. Then the park and the Palace were remodeled and it took just 15 years to fall back to insignificance for the Electorate by being conquered by Napoleon. Well, never change a running system ;) Both Kassel (1st builing stage) and Idokopas share the similarity that their Power Feng Shui is not as disguised as other functional Power Feng Shui hubs like in London, Washington, Paris etc. The setup is simple and rather transparent. Anyone just notice the similar patterns of the setup and composition of the space. I will not spill details here. However, just like in the case of that bygone first Wilhelmshöhe Palace, Putin did make a steep rise, and seems to still be on a steep rise. From the outside it looks like Putin actually IS in Power, just like some Renaissance Duke – a thing i doubt with a lot of contemporary other leaders „in power“. Coincidence? And if so, does it matter? I think it does.
If someone is out there doing some similar type of research like me, i might be be interested in some conversation.