
Annual Feng Shui Influences 2025

YiSi, the Green Snake

Green Mamba

The Earthly Branch for 2025 is 巳 Si, Snake. The Heavenly Stem for 2025 is 乙 Yi, small wood. Both symbols resemble a snake. So in a way, 2025 is a double snake year. The main element of the Snake is Bing, great Fire, or Sun. Metal is born at the Snake in the form of 辛 Xin, small knife of Dagger. Also, there is 戊 Wu Earth hidden in the Snake. Si resembles a coiled snake, Yi resembles a moving snake, also vines, ropes, brushes, small wood. Snakes are said to be cold, conniving, deadly, either by poison or constriction. Snakes like to hide and strike suddenly and unexpectedly. Snakes also are said to be vessels of wisdom. The biblical snake is a seducer. Snakes shed their old skin to grow. Snakes are coldblooded creatures, they need the sun to be able to move. Snakes have a split tongue, liars and double speakers, delivering falseness. Snakes are great hypnotisers. Snakes have no friends. Moses, the great (evil?) wizard of the bible was a snake sorcerer, he carried a staff he could turn into a snake. His staff ate up the staffs of the ancient egyptian Pharao’s priests.

The Greeks also had strong symbols with snakes, e.g. the caduceus:

Greek Caduceus: two snakes winding up a staff: image of nervous system and spine

The original caduceus also depicts the Kundalini force of Yoga. In the West, this symbol was crippled by taking away one snake. You might know it, the medical professions in the West use this crippled caduceus as their emblem (their philosophy on medicine is onesided).
The Caduceus belongs to Hermes, the greek god of communication, trade, money, travel, news, propaganda. All the above are going to be major themes for 2025, the overarching major theme likely will be: Transformation. So many dogmas are going to be challenged. So much poison and lies will be delivered, however this year it likely will be mutual, i.e. the lower classes, the people (巳 Si, Earthly Branch) will be ready to defend themselves (coiled snake) while the upper classes, or government (乙 Yi, Heavenly stem), will continue their effort to restrict, constrict and fetter. The general advice for those wanting to grow is:shed your skin, leave the old house of your soul behind to rot, because it will not be fit to the new circumstances. In an extreme form this means: transform, or die.

I live near the main place of Paracelsus, the „grandfather“ of modern medicine. There is a Paracelsus clinic in Basel. What those proud Basiliens (their town is built around the well of the Basilisk, a type of Dragon) like to suppress is the fact that the senate of the town at the time chased Paracelsus out of the city under the threat of death. On the middle bridge you can also find a tiny metal badge, commemorating the countless witches, male and female, burnt in the city. Paracelsus, at the time, was not politcally correct. Well, times and circumstances change, the themes do not. 2025 is likely going to be a year when the people start fighting back. Paracelsus coined the medical phrase „Dosis facit venetum“ – the dosis makes the poison. Poison has the power to heal in the correct amounts, too much of it and it becomes deadly. Wisdom equals poison, no?

Looking at the elements hidden in the branches, there is great Fire, small Metal, great Earth. With the purple white Stars in Earth palaces (see below), Satan (the symbol of the biblical snake in paradise) will shed his light all over the Earth. The shadows will become visible by contrast. More wars, changing of the boundaries of countries, everybody prodding (see Moses above) and stabbing at each other. Truth vs. Lies, poison to counterpoison.

Snakes can endure extremely long times of not getting food. Food prices are likely to go up. The moods are HOT. Anger and petty fights abound. Make peace with your own self. Truth in lies, lies in truth, doublethink and doublespeak turn against themselves. Transform or die. Horses are being used to produce antidotes against snake poison, so watch out for the Horse born people this year, or people with Horse in their four pillars. They may or may not be able to provide you with proper antidotes for the poison at work, at home, in the country, in the world. The snake lured Eva into Adam eating the apples of wisdom in paradise, such propelling both out of paradise. Out of paradise is where you want to be in 2025. The two snakes of the caduceus entwine the spine, therefore depicting the nervous system AND the spine. I think a flexible yet strong and healthy spine is what everybody should look for. Snakes are all spine, no extremities. Not a good time for spineless people.

Feng Shui influences for the Year of the Wood Snake

Chinese New year is around the corner, and so is the „changing of the guards“ for the different Feng Shui influences for the upcoming year. Before I comment on some of the most important influences, let us have a look at an image of those I would like to discuss in this article:

Main yearly Feng Shui influences for the year of the Green Snake, 2025

Tai Sui, Sui Po, San Sha

You can see that the Tai Sui lands in SE3 sector, which is the mountain/sector of the Snake. Tai Sui means sth like „General of the Year“, or „Leader of the Year“. Last year that was the Dragon, this year it will be the Snake, next year the Horse is in charge. Although it is not per se a negative energy, it is a very powerful energy nobody should dare to offend. The same, a bit less powerful, goes for the force of „Sui Po“. Both energies like it quiet. It is very important to keep these two areas quiet, bright and clean this year, emphasis on „Quiet!“. This means, no renovations here in 2025. Least movement as possible too; in case you have a door in these sectors, be sure to open and close the door quietly, never slam it. Even putting a nail in the wall: no good idea. Keep these areas free of Radios, TV’s, loudspeakers. If you can, make sure you are not putting your back to Tai Sui for extended periods of time, like sitting in an office. Turning your back towards Tai Sui will offend the General just like a soldier turning his back towards an officer. Facing/Opposing Tai Sui is no good idea neither, Tai Sui might feel challenged and retaliate. In general, avoid the axis of Snake/Pig altogether if you can. To ward off some of the evil influences, you can place a small round metal plate into the respective sectors of Snake and Pig. Houses or apartments which are facing Tai Sui will have a weakened energy in 2025, it is a good idea to strengthen the Feng Shui of these sites. You can pacify the Tai Sui energy by using its combination animal, in the year of the Snake that would be the Monkey.

Next very strong influence is the 3 Sha, or San Sha. Same like with Tai Sui/Sui Po, avoid any renovations or strong vibrations in the entire East sector or palace. Keep it quiet. If you need to do renovations, use the relatively safe times of the great Sun and Moon formula, or postpone to another year. Annoying Tai Sui, Sui Po, San Sha can lead to various problems, like accidents, mishaps, sickness, failure, etc.

The annual Purple White Stars

Before discussing the annual Stars, the so called „natal chart“ of the property and the people living there needs to be assessed. However, the power of the annual Stars in general is more potent than that of the natal Stars of the building. There are various different methods to arrive at the „natal“ flying stars chart of the site, differing schools have different formulae. With this, you need to trust the Feng Shui practitioner of your choice.

These are commonly known as the „Annual Flying Stars“. These Stars change position each year. There are good, neutral and bad annual Stars. The bad guys are: 5 yellow, 2 black, 7 red, 3 jade. Neutral is 4 green. Auspicious Stars are 1 white, 6 white, 8 white and to a certain extent 9 purple. Like in the westerns, the guys dressed in white are always the good guys. 9 purple usually is a „Joker“, meaning that it enhances either good or bad. As this Star Nr. 9 now is timely, it behaves more like an auspicious Star. In Feng Shui, one first neutralises or „cures“ any bad influences before enhancing the good ones.

The bad Stars

The worst Star is Star Nr. 5, the energy of the ruler. In 2025, it flies to the Northeast, the Ghost Gate. As Star 5 is the energy of the just but stern ruler, my hunch is that some of the power and influence of the dead souls might be granted access via this gate to exert influence on the Earth. Its element is Earth, its sigil is of Fire. Use metal to pacify it. Metal is justice, concentration, righteousness. Because this Star, besides being a Star for general misfortune, also is a sickness and poison Star, you can use a three legged toad (toads are poisonous animals) made of brass to subdue and mitigate its effects. Avoid the colour red as taboo in an annual 5 sector. Do not use green. Use metal colours: white, silver, gold. Avoid action there too, keep the sector quiet. If you like to use sound here, use metal sounds, such as metal gongs, singing bowls, or piano.

Next in line is Star Nr. 7. This is a metal Star. Its symbol is a dagger or a knife. Accidents, backstabbing, theft, robbery, injury, quarrel are its favourite themes. Avoid red, green, brown and earth colours. Avoid any images depicting any violence, destruction or discord. Use blue, water, or vinegar to rust the metal of this Star and render it useless. If you have a little daughter in the family, skip the above and use a Dragonturtle figurine made of brass instead.

Star Nr. 3 Jade is another troublemaker. This is a Wood Star. Avoid plants in the NW this year. Stay clear of Water in any form in this palace too. Keep it quiet in this sector. Do not use green/wood, blue/black/water and white/metal in the NW. Actually, all these elements except Metal should stay out of the NW anyway, no matter which year. Normally one would use Fire to reduce the power of this Star, however Fire is not a good idea in the NW. You can use Earth elements here, colours are yellow and earthen.

Sickness Star Nr. 2 black visits the centre, or TaiJi. Note that all Earth Stars visit Earth palaces this year. Their effect will be stronger than in other years. Star Nr. 2 flies to the centre, its effect will permeate everywhere. If you can, put a golden calabash there to trap some of the sickness energy. Also use metal, white, gold, silver objects and colours. Avoid any triplets there. If you cannot place items there, use a round rug in a metal colour and put it in the centre.

The good Stars

Star Nr. 1 is a pretty benevolent Star anyway, and its energy is on the rise. Used correctly, it can mitigate some of the effects of the Tai Sui energy, as it lands in the Southeast sector this year. It stands for nobilty, academic success, status, reputation, drive. Its ancient name is „Greedy Wolf“, so it helps your ambition too. In Xuan Kong, this is a Water Star, in San He a Wood Star. In short, use the spirit of the bamboo.

Star Nr. 6 is a metal Star, it flies to the South Fire sector in 2025. Use Earth to help its effect in 2025, avoid Fire and Wood. For those having nobleman luck this year, activate Star Nr. 6 to enhance chances to gain fame and success.

Star Nr. 8 is a good Star too, its element is Earth. It flies into Kun Palace, or SW sector. Avoid Wood and Metal, use Fire.

All good Stars align on the Yang Southern side of the chart. All bad Stars align around Yin Northern side of the chart. Good vs. Evil.

Bräuche zum Chin. Neujahr, Update 2025

Das Chinesische Neujahr nach dem lunaren Kalender fällt in 2025 auf den 29. Januar. Dies ist der erste Tag des Neuen Jahres. Die in diesem Artikel genannten Termine fallen dieses Jahr entsprechend auf folgende Daten:

  • 24. Tag des letzten Monats des alten Jahres, Verabschiedung des Küchengottes: 23.1.2025
  • 28. Tag des letzten Monats des alten Jahres, Waschen aller Kleider: 27.1.2025
  • 29. Tag des letzten Monats des alten Jahres, Besuch der Ahnengräber: 28.1.2025
  • Chinesischer Neujahrstag: 29.1.2025
  • 2. Neujahrstag, Tag des Gottes des Reichtums: 30.1.2025
  • 3. Neujahrstag, Im Hause bleiben: 31.1.2025
  • 6. Neujahrstag, Verjagung des Gottes der Armut: 3.2.2025
  • 7. Neujahrstag, Fest der Erschaffung des Menschen: 4.2.2025

Während der Zeitspanne des Neujahrsfestes soll man:

  • Nichts kaputt machen oder zerbrechen, insbesondere Spiegel
  • Mit Mitmenschen den Ausgleich suchen
  • Nichts Schlechtes, sondern Gutes über andere reden
  • Gute Dinge denken, keine schlechten
  • Den eigenen Raum sauber und ordentlich halten
  • Vorsichtig fahren (gilt eigentlich das ganze Jahr ;) )
  • Kein Geld ausleihen
  • Mit anderen teilen
  • Andere aufstellen bzw. ermuntern

Feng Shui is mere coincidence

That is what I think about the metaphysical side of Feng Shui. The physical or material side is easy to understand and apply. The metaphysical side is more like an Art or a game, because you can arrive at a similar effect using very different approaches. One example from my early experiments may illustrate what I mean:

Cutting a tree without touching it

About 15 years ago, i had a case of a some tenants apartment. One of the problems was located at the backyard. The apartment was in one of those housing blocks built in the 60ies, very common in big Swiss cities. The facing of that apartment was towards that backyard. The property management some years ago had planted pine trees, and those pine trees, while being nice at first when being small, grew like bamboo fighting for sunlight, in the process stealing the light from the house and because of a lack of proper space were about touching the house. That is bad in Feng Shui.

The solution would be to trim or cut the young aggressive pines. However, not advisable for the tenant to take a chainsaw and cut them down just like this. So what to do? Time to get creative, i guessed. So i looked up a GengShen (big axe upon big axe) day and the tenant got himself a real hatchet. That hatchet on that day on a certain hour (i took a clash date) was mounted vertically (attack position) on a stand, with the blade of it directed towards the stem of the pine next to the apartment. While mounting the hatchet to its position, I focused on the wish that pine would be removed. No formula involved, just some very basic Date selection, precise positioning and intention.

I forgot the exact time span, after about 2 weeks or a bit less, that pine was chopped down by professional workers the property management must have had sent. The tree next to the house was gone, light came into the apartment.

So you might say: „Just mere coincidence“! I fully agree. This is not science. It may or may not be able to be repeated. Problem with science is: it demands the same result under any condition. Science has a day of 24hs and that is valid for everyone. So science assumes every day is like the same, within the rules of the seasons. However it neglects the fact that every day is different and that people born on different days, in different seasons, in different years, do have different mental and physical qualities or characteristics. It also suppresses or ignores any real occurences not in line with scientific dogma, e.g. the gravitational anomalies which can be found and be verified by anyone (e.g. in Italy there is a spot in the mountains where you have to push the brakes uphill, and push the gaspedal downhill).
So for the more „magical“ aspects of Feng Shui: it works or it does not. When it works it is just a mere coincidence. I can live with that, what does it matter as long as the purpose is fulfilled?

This case study might also highlight the power of intention and imagination. If you are really good at that, i think you will not need the energy of the Date.
Imo, in that specific case it would not have worked without the power of intention and also timing the proper time of putting out that intention.

Putin’s Palace Feng Shui

Youtube washed up this video for me. It features the locations of Putin’s 13 residences in and around Europe and Asia. Besides being very informative, it enables anyone to have a look on the Feng Shui of his buildings.

Some of you might know that i research European Renaissance Feng Shui, so i was baffled and electrified to see that the guys who built this palace for him, obviously are using ancient Chinese Feng Shui principles in sync with the European Renaissance Garden and Palace Feng Shui. By the way, do you know who was the first person to experimentally use it at the time? Ya, of course, the Pope in Rome, who else… research it yourself if you do not believe me ;)

The residence i like to portray just a bit is Putin’s Neo-Renaissance Palace, located at Cape Idokopas, Russia. According to Wikipedia, it was constructed in 2005. So they built a Renaissance inspired Palace all anew in 2005. Most people might think that is just another quirk of some megalomanic individual, and why should they not, apart the fact that he simultaneously is the Head of a Superpower. However, he apparently uses the principles of Power Feng Shui based on landform, which most people will unlikely be able to spot. Everything just looks natural, right? Well, yes and no. Have a look at the macrosetup of his Palace:

Putin’s Palace at Cape Idokopas, Russia

Anybody can see that the residence is sited at the end of a ridge which is terminating towards the Black Sea. Anybody can see the main axis is running aligned with the direction of the ridge. Anybody can see the 9 fold bended road incoming. Anybody can see the two Helipads. Have you heard of the Vesica Pisces? Just asking. I leave it at these teasers.

Way back i did some work on the Palace at Wilhelmshöhe in Kassel (depicted in this article is the 2nd building phase, after remodeling). Unlike most other Renaissance Feng Shui projects, in Wilhelmshöhe the building Master used the Mountains to charge the Palace in a rather obvious way. Within 70 years, the small Electorate of Hessen-Kassel was catapulted to be a player at the European Powergame of the time. Then the park and the Palace were remodeled and it took just 15 years to fall back to insignificance for the Electorate by being conquered by Napoleon. Well, never change a running system ;)
Both Kassel (1st builing stage) and Idokopas share the similarity that their Power Feng Shui is not as disguised as other functional Power Feng Shui hubs like in London, Washington, Paris etc. The setup is simple and rather transparent. Anyone just notice the similar patterns of the setup and composition of the space. I will not spill details here. However, just like in the case of that bygone first Wilhelmshöhe Palace, Putin did make a steep rise, and seems to still be on a steep rise. From the outside it looks like Putin actually IS in Power, just like some Renaissance Duke – a thing i doubt with a lot of contemporary other leaders „in power“. Coincidence? And if so, does it matter? I think it does.

If someone is out there doing some similar type of research like me, i might be be interested in some conversation.

General Luck forecast for 2025

As one of the simpler and more general ways to arrive at a prediction for the upcoming year, the interaction between the pillar of the current year (valid for everyone) and your own birthyear pillar can be assessed. In its most simple form, only the interaction between the respective Earthly Branches can be used. 2025 will be the Year of the Wood Snake, or Green Snake. In 2025, the Chinese Lunar New Year starts on January the 29th.

Just look up your animal sign of your birthyear to find your general forecast of 2025, year of the Snake. Please keep in mind these are general readings, just showing large trends for anyone born in a given year. You can use the forecast to adapt to your own situation. For a more detailed and individual forecast, contact the Feng Shui or Bazi agent of your choice.

Born in a Rat year

The Rat can look forward to more good than bad in 2025, it can be a promising year for these people. First of all, be ready to receive help from people who are in a position to help you, Nobleman Luck will be strong for the Rat in 2025. You got a total of three astrological Stars indicating nobleman luck for you.
In case you are suffering from a disease or illness, 2025 will be a good year for you to get rid of it, or dissolve it. In such a case, your Doc could be your nobleman.
People earning their money by travelling around will get that extra pinch of luck delivered to themselves. For people in the academic field, success shines on the horizon. Do not be afraid in 2025 to take on more responsibilities, the Emperor Star shines on your fate and you will likely be able to take the lead and gain good reputation.

The challenges for the Rat in 2025 can be more of a more brutish nature. We are talking about natural disasters, flood, fire, etc. So perhaps the Rat should have their insurances covered. It need‘ nt be natural disasters, though, it could also be unexpected troubles, even violence. For the individuals prone to it, there could likely be instances of short fated romances or relationships. So if you have a say in it, perhaps be a little cautious regarding these areas.

Born in an ox year

All in all, 2025 is likely to be a challenging year for the Ox. On the good side, there is good wealth luck indicated around properties: either selling or buying could bring you gains. Also this year, the Oxens creativity and intelligence will be enhanced, however there is a tendency to loneliness for the Ox in 2025.

On the bad side, the Ox is especially prone to sadness in 2025, even perhaps depression; because there is the risk of several sad events in a row. The Ox should also take heed of scammers, thieves, robbers and perhaps getting injured in 2025.

Born in a Tiger year

The Tiger in 2025 is likely to face some tough fights, largely stemming from the actions of petty people around them. The Stars indicate a theme of gossip, robbery, theft, backstabbing and legal problems, subsequently the Tigers are likely to face internal emotional problems, like e.g. the feeling of being mobbed, betrayed or wronged, unease or even depression. Pretty tough.

However, the Tiger is assisted by the Heavenly Virtue Star in 2025. This Star has the power to significantly reduce the effect of all those bad Stars and keep them at bay. There also are Stars indicating good Luck for Wealth, prosperity and blessings, helping the Tiger in 2025. So overall, the outlook for 2025 is balanced for the Tiger. My guess is that virtuous personalities will be protected the most, while the not so virtuous people could be in for „the chicken come home to roost“ scenario.

Born in a Rabbit year

The Rabbit encounters a relatively small number of Stars for 2025, these are: Thriving, Calamity Sha, Sky Dog, Funeral Guest, Prison. The main theme for 2025 is to take heed of accidents or injuries.
The „Prison“ Star, as its name indicates, relates to a prison. That prison need not be physical, it can also be emotional or mental. One form of a mental prison e.g. could be „thoughts running in a threadmill“. Like one is revolving around the same 3 thoughts in a circle all day long. The „Funeral Guest“ Star denotes possible demise of friends or far relatives.

Relief for the Rabbit in 2025 comes from the „Thriving“ Star. This Star primarily stands for friends helping with opportunities for Wealth. If the Rabbit in 2025 is in a „Prison“, any visiting friends will be of help, right? So I’d assume a good way to go for the Rabbit in 2025 would be to meet as many friends and make new ones as is available.

Born in a Dragon year

If you are born in a Dragon year and are working in the academic field, either teaching or learning, 2025 is likely going to be a successful year. Your studies will likely go well as you put in the work to succeed. Even in a non-academic field, prospects are good: for employees promotion is likely and for businessmen and entrepreneurs the good News is that their reputation is on the rise. Furthermore, the Dragon may expect more good news, festivities and happy events.

On the flipside, the challenges for the Dragon in 2025 tend to be to encounter some obstacles and setbacks, going through a phase of instability and insecurity (either physical, emotional or mental). Also, family members might fall ill, and there could be issues with the immune system. So the challenge for the Dragon in 2025 mainly is to take best care of their physical and mental health and dont fall into sadness or confusion.

Born in a Snake year

The Snake encounters itself in 2025. For the „bad Stars“, there is not such a clear theme indicated like with some of the other Animals this year. The challenges are on a broad band, ranging from the general obstacles and challenges, to backstabbing by petty people, family members falling sick, possible legal disputes due to ones own miscommunication, ups and downs, disease.

Much more specific and clear is the common theme of the „good Stars“: the Snake in 2025 is likely to encounter very solid and strong Nobleman Luck! With the help of influential others, together with the Snakes own effort, all problems can be solved and be cleared out of the way. So do appreciate and do not alienate your possible nobleman or noblemen! In 2025 the Snake has a good chance to be admired or recognised by others for their own qualities. In case the Snake chooses to do the work, the „Eight Seats“ Star will help facilitating a steady, smooth and rich outcome. Yes, the Snake can also make good money in 2025.

Born in a horse year

The Horse in 2025 is likely to be its own worst enemy. The topics challenging the Horse in 2025 the most are of an internal nature and move between the poles of either being overly ambitious and having unrealistic expectations, combined with a heavy workload; or becoming a bit lethargic and uneasy. Tame yourself, Horses.

Internal challenges cant be easily seen by others, so the Horse in 2025 might also be envied for others for its external success: the Horse‘ s Nobleman luck is good, they are more liked by others than in other years, they display good talent and creativity at work, they act smart, their studies likely will succeed.

Born in a goat year

The Goat in 2025 has a higher chance of being liked by others. Otherwise it looks like 2025 might going to be a rather difficult year for them, it is 1 auspicious Star vs. a total of 7 inauspicious ones. Sadness is a major theme for the Goats, there are 2 Stars denoting possible demises of friends or family members. Also gossip, badmouthing, false friends. Many obstacles and a long uphill stretch will require a lot of mental strength to overcome. The natural stubbornness of the Goat might be of help, also to remind oneself of the fact that the night is darkest just before dawn. The general advice is to keep on fighting, to keep ones spirits high. In that sense, spiritually minded individuals might benefit the most, because if they succcessfully conquer 2025, their Spirit will gain tenacity and resilience. Goats, focus and concentrate on your real goals, do not falter in 2025.

Born in a monkey year

2025 looks like more good than bad for the Monkey, however the Monkey still can expect to be up to a stiff fight. On the difficult side, they might lose some of their wealth, encounter some petty people causing trouble, even perhaps legally, face some betrayal by trusted ones, perhaps some fleeting romances, and encounter fear about the external situation. Like, most people are concerned and worried right now, the Monkey will be even more worried.

However, there are quite a few powerful Stars in good favor of the Monkey. If you worked well in the past, promotions and raises might wait for you. Your magic asset, just like with the Rat or a bit less with the Rooster, is the power of Nobleman Luck assisting the Monkey, there are a total of 3 Stars indicating good Nobleman Luck. So look out for people in positions to help you and appreciate them. Nobleman Luck might just propel you to that raise, promotion, financial gain and gain of reputation. If the Monkey uses its smarts and teams up with their Noblemen, victory and success are in sight. A year to toss the bad friends and to nurture or gain the good friends.

Born in a rooster year

Roosters, do not cock up, because the chicken are coming to roost this year. Roosters in 2025 got a total of 6 bad Stars alltogether indicating the possibility of legal troubles or entanglements; 6 Stars are an awful lot and indicate a very strong theme. All bad Stars this year are connected to the legal theme! Be extra careful with contracts, what you say, how you behave, the Law in 2025 will be watching you. Observe speed limits, pay your taxes fair and square, dont take short cuts. Any old scores might be likely to begin being settled this year. Perhaps scout a good lawyer and in advance set some cash aside to pay them. Good luck and Godspeed!

With a clearcut theme like this, let’s look at the good Stars assisting the Rooster in 2025. Roosters,cheer up, because you get help. The auspicious General Star is on your side, this Star has the power to grant you the energy you are going to need to tackle all the external attacks. It will provide you with good luck too, raising the chance that obstacles and difficulties can be successfully surmounted. The „Earth Relief“ Star will assist you in overcoming physical ailments. Another Star helps to give you the mindset of „The Fool“ card in Tarot, no matter how deep the abyss in front of you, you dont care. That is a benefit in diffult situations, because you keep a clear mind. With the General Star, you will have the capacity to lead, either in your own life, or in any given team situation. Meaning you can successfully influence and lead others. Make use of this. Next, 3 Stars indicate Nobleman Luck. So do the same as the Rat and the Monkey. Your intelligence and creativity will be enhanced in 2025, you have some Peach Blossom Luck on your side, so people are more likely to like you. Finally, with the „Golden Lock“ Star on your side, dont be afraid too much about losing wealth this year, it might turn out at the end of the year you have turned in a profit. Get up early, do the work, the early bird catches the worm.

Born in a dog year

In 2025, the Dog, just like the Goat and the Pig, will favor spiritually minded people. However, the challenges for the Dog are way less severe than e.g. for the Goat or the Rabbit. A strong positive influence for the Dog is going to be the „Monthly Virtue“ Star. This Star will help charitable people, its influence stays dormant for selfish people. So Dogs, if you shared your wealth with others in the past, Universe will remember and delete a lot of the pressure for you in 2025. If you were‘ nt a charitable Dog in previous years, get your Karma delivered and deal with it. Or you just might want to start contributing to society. Never too late! Apart from that, the Dog has a good chance for beneficial Romance Luck and happy events in general. The changes which are going to happen have a good chance to change things for the better. Go on career related trips and journeys, your career luck will get a good boost by that.

The Dog in 2025 should brace for some sudden or conceiled bad events. Probabilty is high, these hidden attacks will be launched by colleagues or „friends“. Gossip targeting anyone is never a comfort. So know what your values are, decide yourself what you are about. Those petty people most likely are just envious of your skill, achievements and talent. It might be pretty difficult to spot the origin of the attacks. Beside that, being the target of revenge acts from others is high this year. Also do your best to control your expenses, think twice when you feel the urge to buy something.

Born in in an pig Year

2025 will favor the Pig who is on a spiritual pursuit. If you are a spiritually minded Pig, in 2025 ask and it will be answered. In 2025 it is favorable for the Pig to go on journeys and trips, these are likely to provide you with opportunities to make money. In 2025, the Pig will be recognised and appreciated for their talent and knowledge. Another Star points in the same direction: use your talents to step up and receive promotion or salary increase. For the Pig, the action-response interval is likely to be rather short in 2025, so you can try out several things and go with what works for you. Your input and effort will make all the difference this year. Keep your spirits high.

The Pig is heads on with the Year’s energy of the Snake, so brace for changes, troubles and disharmony. Two Stars indicate sadness and depression to the Pig, energies the Pig is naturally prone to anyway. Expect many emotional issues, there will be obstacles to your growth provided this year. It is even possible to be negatively influenced by friends, so follow your own ethics as your guiding Star. In short, again, keep your spirits high, rely on your own effort and talent and through all those obstacles, make the universe as you want it, work on healing yourself from old bad Karma. Good Luck!

YiJing forecast on the fate of a tooth

Initial situation: a festered tooth, inflammation of the tooths root.
Question to the YiJing: would it be better to just clean the puss out, or to have the tooth extracted? (Implying a visible gap between the teeth)

The Divination:

Hexagram 39 „Obstruction“, lines 2 and 3 changing to Hexagram 29 „The Abyss“.

General advice of the unchanging Hexagram is to go see a great leader able to work with people to push through the obstruction and to avoid mountaineous areas (Northeast) in favour to flat areas (Southwest). Southwest equals the gum here, Northeast the mountain, or tooth.

The great leader obviously is represented by the dentist. The lower trigram represents the tooth by the Trigram Gen, which also represents a mountain. Above the mountain looms danger, represented by the Trigram Kan. Also, the movement is limited to Trigram Gen. Not good, the tooth will move, it has to go.

The inner Hexagram equals Hexagram 64, „Before Completion“, Fire above Water, signaling the inflammation. Evaluating the overall image, it looks like the tooth has to go.

The moving lines

The second line gives advice for clear communication for doing the right thing. So the dentist should be adressed with questions illuminating the situation to the patient in the most clear way, so that there is no regret later.

Third line forecasts that the obstruction will be met by going (to the dentist), but when returning (at home) there will be a warm welcome. The third line is next to the abyss and the danger of the upper Trigram Kan, which should be avoided. However, all changing lines finally make up the Hexagram for Abyss, which will when having travelled through it, will be followed by success.

In any case, danger is descending upon the tooth and the inflammation (Inner Hexagram Fire above Water) is already inside of the abyss of the tooth: its toothbed. The resulting Hexagram 29 is the Trigram for a huge abyss, which in this case would be the cavity left once the tooth is out and then has to heal.

So the prediction is: „The tooth is in danger and needs to give way for the abyss, so that the gum can heal. Going through this, there will be success in the end“.

Outcome in the real world

The dentist said that the tooth is yet merely dangling to a lump of infected gum. The tooth was pulled, shortened a bit, put back in place, and then taped to the adjacent healthy teeth. The gum healed, the row of teeth inside the mouth doesnt show a gap, and the tooth is functianl again. The surgical operation itself, however, was quite exhausting to the patient. In the end, the gum is happy and healed, the danger is gone, and the tooth itself still serves its function.

Perfektes Form Feng Shui

Der Besitzer dieses Kiosks hat aus Feng Shui Sicht eine Menge richtig gemacht. Ob er es wusste oder nicht, die Elemente des Kiosks sind nach der grundlegenden Formel „Schildkröte-Drache-Phönix-Tiger“ angeordnet. Das Gebäude hinter dem Kiosk wird zur Schildkröte, der Zeitungsstand links wird zum Drachen, er ist idealerweise etwas höher als der Tiger gegenüber, der durch die Eiskiste gegeben ist. Der Tisch mit dem Krimskrams vorn in der Mitte hält das Qi vor der Kasse zurück. Nach irgendwelchen anderen Formeln braucht man hier eigentlich nicht mehr zu schauen, der Laden dürfte bereits so wie er ausgerichtet ist sehr gut laufen.

How to make a building disappear by using Feng Shui


The older lady was scared about the Junkieshelter the city council had decided to establish in a house across the street of her main door. She asked if Feng Shui possibly could help. I went to the place and found that indeed that Junkieshelter was not adding any especially good vibes to the neighbourhood. Many junkies are artists, well able to express their states of mind. They had installed quite a few selfmade art objects in their front yard, like a sculpture made of huge shards of broken mirror glass, some monster-like statues and the like. The old lady already had a proper hedge surrounding her house, obviously that was not enough to shield her from the terror across.

I inquired her birthdate and measured the Sitting and Facing of her house. I found that the house, her birthdate and also the year in which she asked me were in the same group of hexagrams (using the so called „bloodlink kinship of hexagrams“. That type of method is from within the school of Xuan Kong Da Gua and I decided this might be a way to tackle the issue.

I calculated the month, day and hour the chirurgical Feng Shui incision had to be made, which then was about 2 months in the future. I asked her to go to a local stonemason and look for some elongated erratic boulder around 1,5m tall, which appealed well to her. The thing had to be delivered on the calculated day to her door. Using the bloodlink method, the stone was to be placed and erected at the correct spot at the correct month, day and hour, in sync with her birthdate and the positioning of the house.
All went well, the stonemason delivered the rock on the correct day and the stone was put into place at the correct time. By applying the Chinese characters for „TaiShan“ (China`s holy mountain), a protective Talisman was created.

About two months later i got curious. I called the lady and asked about that problem house. She replied „Oh, I totally forgot about that house. It is just like as it has disappeared“.

The Yellow Emperors forecast on Jia Chen year, 2024

甲辰年 JiaChen year


A poem goes:
God of the year is JiaChen,
half of the rice and flax and hemp.
Spring and Summer encounter flooding,
in Autumn and Winter the streams are impassable.
The mulberry trees in the land of Lu are proper,
in the valleys of Wu there is no abundance.
The mulberry trees are abandonded and finally expensive,
the airborne insects congratulate each other happily.
Estimate the selling prices to be very expensive,
there ist snow and frost in the three months of Winter.


The divination says:
The year of the Dragon beginning,
in the altitudes commonly have five shares.
Beans and wheat achieving nothing solid,
the six domestic animals also meet with misfortune and falter.
Even more watch out for the later parts of Winter,
receiving frosts and snows one after the other.

Brace for inflation, major floods, mediocre harvests, very cold winter. The forecast is from the book „The Earth Mother Classic„.

Dead timepieces

Dead, nonfunctional or broken watches, clocks, or any timepieces correlate to time standing still, no change taking place. Any timepiece should be functional and intact. Even a perfectly well working and pretty timepiece is usually not seen as a good thing in Feng Shui, it reminds us that time is running and never coming back, it is a reminder of getting old and death. The Chinese for that reason never present watches or clocks as a gift. However, in Feng Shui clocks can be used for positive effect or for pressing down negative effects also. It depends on where and how they are placed. But back to the dead timepieces.

So i went hunting for old watches not in use in my place. Pretty surprising to find four of those, one from my time at university, one from a weird time I once bought in Venice and two inherited from my father. The first I kept because it has a surprisingly accurate altitude meter, the second because it is pretty as only the Italians can do it and the other two have a base of gold. The first one („but it has this awesome altitude meter“) went straight to the bin. The second one will leave me in a public book box, with a new battery it is still fully functional and pretty, someone may have a use for it. The third i finally left at he book box too. Main thing I get rid of this junk.

The last one is still functional i found out, so i put it in a direction where it helps generating some supportive energy.

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