That is what I think about the metaphysical side of Feng Shui. The physical or material side is easy to understand and apply. The metaphysical side is more like an Art or a game, because you can arrive at a similar effect using very different approaches. One example from my early experiments may illustrate what I mean:
Cutting a tree without touching it
About 15 years ago, i had a case of a some tenants apartment. One of the problems was located at the backyard. The apartment was in one of those housing blocks built in the 60ies, very common in big Swiss cities. The facing of that apartment was towards that backyard. The property management some years ago had planted pine trees, and those pine trees, while being nice at first when being small, grew like bamboo fighting for sunlight, in the process stealing the light from the house and because of a lack of proper space were about touching the house. That is bad in Feng Shui.
The solution would be to trim or cut the young aggressive pines. However, not advisable for the tenant to take a chainsaw and cut them down just like this. So what to do? Time to get creative, i guessed. So i looked up a GengShen (big axe upon big axe) day and the tenant got himself a real hatchet. That hatchet on that day on a certain hour (i took a clash date) was mounted vertically (attack position) on a stand, with the blade of it directed towards the stem of the pine next to the apartment. While mounting the hatchet to its position, I focused on the wish that pine would be removed. No formula involved, just some very basic Date selection, precise positioning and intention.

I forgot the exact time span, after about 2 weeks or a bit less, that pine was chopped down by professional workers the property management must have had sent. The tree next to the house was gone, light came into the apartment.
So you might say: „Just mere coincidence“! I fully agree. This is not science. It may or may not be able to be repeated. Problem with science is: it demands the same result under any condition. Science has a day of 24hs and that is valid for everyone. So science assumes every day is like the same, within the rules of the seasons. However it neglects the fact that every day is different and that people born on different days, in different seasons, in different years, do have different mental and physical qualities or characteristics. It also suppresses or ignores any real occurences not in line with scientific dogma, e.g. the gravitational anomalies which can be found and be verified by anyone (e.g. in Italy there is a spot in the mountains where you have to push the brakes uphill, and push the gaspedal downhill).
So for the more „magical“ aspects of Feng Shui: it works or it does not. When it works it is just a mere coincidence. I can live with that, what does it matter as long as the purpose is fulfilled?
This case study might also highlight the power of intention and imagination. If you are really good at that, i think you will not need the energy of the Date.
Imo, in that specific case it would not have worked without the power of intention and also timing the proper time of putting out that intention.