General Luck forecast for 2025

As one of the simpler and more general ways to arrive at a prediction for the upcoming year, the interaction between the pillar of the current year (valid for everyone) and your own birthyear pillar can be assessed. In its most simple form, only the interaction between the respective Earthly Branches can be used. 2025 will be the Year of the Wood Snake, or Green Snake. In 2025, the Chinese Lunar New Year starts on January the 29th.

Just look up your animal sign of your birthyear to find your general forecast of 2025, year of the Snake. Please keep in mind these are general readings, just showing large trends for anyone born in a given year. You can use the forecast to adapt to your own situation. For a more detailed and individual forecast, contact the Feng Shui or Bazi agent of your choice.

Born in a Rat year

The Rat can look forward to more good than bad in 2025, it can be a promising year for these people. First of all, be ready to receive help from people who are in a position to help you, Nobleman Luck will be strong for the Rat in 2025. You got a total of three astrological Stars indicating nobleman luck for you.
In case you are suffering from a disease or illness, 2025 will be a good year for you to get rid of it, or dissolve it. In such a case, your Doc could be your nobleman.
People earning their money by travelling around will get that extra pinch of luck delivered to themselves. For people in the academic field, success shines on the horizon. Do not be afraid in 2025 to take on more responsibilities, the Emperor Star shines on your fate and you will likely be able to take the lead and gain good reputation.

The challenges for the Rat in 2025 can be more of a more brutish nature. We are talking about natural disasters, flood, fire, etc. So perhaps the Rat should have their insurances covered. It need‘ nt be natural disasters, though, it could also be unexpected troubles, even violence. For the individuals prone to it, there could likely be instances of short fated romances or relationships. So if you have a say in it, perhaps be a little cautious regarding these areas.

Born in an ox year

All in all, 2025 is likely to be a challenging year for the Ox. On the good side, there is good wealth luck indicated around properties: either selling or buying could bring you gains. Also this year, the Oxens creativity and intelligence will be enhanced, however there is a tendency to loneliness for the Ox in 2025.

On the bad side, the Ox is especially prone to sadness in 2025, even perhaps depression; because there is the risk of several sad events in a row. The Ox should also take heed of scammers, thieves, robbers and perhaps getting injured in 2025.

Born in a Tiger year

The Tiger in 2025 is likely to face some tough fights, largely stemming from the actions of petty people around them. The Stars indicate a theme of gossip, robbery, theft, backstabbing and legal problems, subsequently the Tigers are likely to face internal emotional problems, like e.g. the feeling of being mobbed, betrayed or wronged, unease or even depression. Pretty tough.

However, the Tiger is assisted by the Heavenly Virtue Star in 2025. This Star has the power to significantly reduce the effect of all those bad Stars and keep them at bay. There also are Stars indicating good Luck for Wealth, prosperity and blessings, helping the Tiger in 2025. So overall, the outlook for 2025 is balanced for the Tiger. My guess is that virtuous personalities will be protected the most, while the not so virtuous people could be in for „the chicken come home to roost“ scenario.

Born in a Rabbit year

The Rabbit encounters a relatively small number of Stars for 2025, these are: Thriving, Calamity Sha, Sky Dog, Funeral Guest, Prison. The main theme for 2025 is to take heed of accidents or injuries.
The „Prison“ Star, as its name indicates, relates to a prison. That prison need not be physical, it can also be emotional or mental. One form of a mental prison e.g. could be „thoughts running in a threadmill“. Like one is revolving around the same 3 thoughts in a circle all day long. The „Funeral Guest“ Star denotes possible demise of friends or far relatives.

Relief for the Rabbit in 2025 comes from the „Thriving“ Star. This Star primarily stands for friends helping with opportunities for Wealth. If the Rabbit in 2025 is in a „Prison“, any visiting friends will be of help, right? So I’d assume a good way to go for the Rabbit in 2025 would be to meet as many friends and make new ones as is available.

Born in a Dragon year

If you are born in a Dragon year and are working in the academic field, either teaching or learning, 2025 is likely going to be a successful year. Your studies will likely go well as you put in the work to succeed. Even in a non-academic field, prospects are good: for employees promotion is likely and for businessmen and entrepreneurs the good News is that their reputation is on the rise. Furthermore, the Dragon may expect more good news, festivities and happy events.

On the flipside, the challenges for the Dragon in 2025 tend to be to encounter some obstacles and setbacks, going through a phase of instability and insecurity (either physical, emotional or mental). Also, family members might fall ill, and there could be issues with the immune system. So the challenge for the Dragon in 2025 mainly is to take best care of their physical and mental health and dont fall into sadness or confusion.

Born in a Snake year

The Snake encounters itself in 2025. For the „bad Stars“, there is not such a clear theme indicated like with some of the other Animals this year. The challenges are on a broad band, ranging from the general obstacles and challenges, to backstabbing by petty people, family members falling sick, possible legal disputes due to ones own miscommunication, ups and downs, disease.

Much more specific and clear is the common theme of the „good Stars“: the Snake in 2025 is likely to encounter very solid and strong Nobleman Luck! With the help of influential others, together with the Snakes own effort, all problems can be solved and be cleared out of the way. So do appreciate and do not alienate your possible nobleman or noblemen! In 2025 the Snake has a good chance to be admired or recognised by others for their own qualities. In case the Snake chooses to do the work, the „Eight Seats“ Star will help facilitating a steady, smooth and rich outcome. Yes, the Snake can also make good money in 2025.

Born in a horse year

The Horse in 2025 is likely to be its own worst enemy. The topics challenging the Horse in 2025 the most are of an internal nature and move between the poles of either being overly ambitious and having unrealistic expectations, combined with a heavy workload; or becoming a bit lethargic and uneasy. Tame yourself, Horses.

Internal challenges cant be easily seen by others, so the Horse in 2025 might also be envied for others for its external success: the Horse‘ s Nobleman luck is good, they are more liked by others than in other years, they display good talent and creativity at work, they act smart, their studies likely will succeed.

Born in a goat year

The Goat in 2025 has a higher chance of being liked by others. Otherwise it looks like 2025 might going to be a rather difficult year for them, it is 1 auspicious Star vs. a total of 7 inauspicious ones. Sadness is a major theme for the Goats, there are 2 Stars denoting possible demises of friends or family members. Also gossip, badmouthing, false friends. Many obstacles and a long uphill stretch will require a lot of mental strength to overcome. The natural stubbornness of the Goat might be of help, also to remind oneself of the fact that the night is darkest just before dawn. The general advice is to keep on fighting, to keep ones spirits high. In that sense, spiritually minded individuals might benefit the most, because if they succcessfully conquer 2025, their Spirit will gain tenacity and resilience. Goats, focus and concentrate on your real goals, do not falter in 2025.

Born in a monkey year

2025 looks like more good than bad for the Monkey, however the Monkey still can expect to be up to a stiff fight. On the difficult side, they might lose some of their wealth, encounter some petty people causing trouble, even perhaps legally, face some betrayal by trusted ones, perhaps some fleeting romances, and encounter fear about the external situation. Like, most people are concerned and worried right now, the Monkey will be even more worried.

However, there are quite a few powerful Stars in good favor of the Monkey. If you worked well in the past, promotions and raises might wait for you. Your magic asset, just like with the Rat or a bit less with the Rooster, is the power of Nobleman Luck assisting the Monkey, there are a total of 3 Stars indicating good Nobleman Luck. So look out for people in positions to help you and appreciate them. Nobleman Luck might just propel you to that raise, promotion, financial gain and gain of reputation. If the Monkey uses its smarts and teams up with their Noblemen, victory and success are in sight. A year to toss the bad friends and to nurture or gain the good friends.

Born in a rooster year

Roosters, do not cock up, because the chicken are coming to roost this year. Roosters in 2025 got a total of 6 bad Stars alltogether indicating the possibility of legal troubles or entanglements; 6 Stars are an awful lot and indicate a very strong theme. All bad Stars this year are connected to the legal theme! Be extra careful with contracts, what you say, how you behave, the Law in 2025 will be watching you. Observe speed limits, pay your taxes fair and square, dont take short cuts. Any old scores might be likely to begin being settled this year. Perhaps scout a good lawyer and in advance set some cash aside to pay them. Good luck and Godspeed!

With a clearcut theme like this, let’s look at the good Stars assisting the Rooster in 2025. Roosters,cheer up, because you get help. The auspicious General Star is on your side, this Star has the power to grant you the energy you are going to need to tackle all the external attacks. It will provide you with good luck too, raising the chance that obstacles and difficulties can be successfully surmounted. The „Earth Relief“ Star will assist you in overcoming physical ailments. Another Star helps to give you the mindset of „The Fool“ card in Tarot, no matter how deep the abyss in front of you, you dont care. That is a benefit in diffult situations, because you keep a clear mind. With the General Star, you will have the capacity to lead, either in your own life, or in any given team situation. Meaning you can successfully influence and lead others. Make use of this. Next, 3 Stars indicate Nobleman Luck. So do the same as the Rat and the Monkey. Your intelligence and creativity will be enhanced in 2025, you have some Peach Blossom Luck on your side, so people are more likely to like you. Finally, with the „Golden Lock“ Star on your side, dont be afraid too much about losing wealth this year, it might turn out at the end of the year you have turned in a profit. Get up early, do the work, the early bird catches the worm.

Born in a dog year

In 2025, the Dog, just like the Goat and the Pig, will favor spiritually minded people. However, the challenges for the Dog are way less severe than e.g. for the Goat or the Rabbit. A strong positive influence for the Dog is going to be the „Monthly Virtue“ Star. This Star will help charitable people, its influence stays dormant for selfish people. So Dogs, if you shared your wealth with others in the past, Universe will remember and delete a lot of the pressure for you in 2025. If you were‘ nt a charitable Dog in previous years, get your Karma delivered and deal with it. Or you just might want to start contributing to society. Never too late! Apart from that, the Dog has a good chance for beneficial Romance Luck and happy events in general. The changes which are going to happen have a good chance to change things for the better. Go on career related trips and journeys, your career luck will get a good boost by that.

The Dog in 2025 should brace for some sudden or conceiled bad events. Probabilty is high, these hidden attacks will be launched by colleagues or „friends“. Gossip targeting anyone is never a comfort. So know what your values are, decide yourself what you are about. Those petty people most likely are just envious of your skill, achievements and talent. It might be pretty difficult to spot the origin of the attacks. Beside that, being the target of revenge acts from others is high this year. Also do your best to control your expenses, think twice when you feel the urge to buy something.

Born in in an pig Year

2025 will favor the Pig who is on a spiritual pursuit. If you are a spiritually minded Pig, in 2025 ask and it will be answered. In 2025 it is favorable for the Pig to go on journeys and trips, these are likely to provide you with opportunities to make money. In 2025, the Pig will be recognised and appreciated for their talent and knowledge. Another Star points in the same direction: use your talents to step up and receive promotion or salary increase. For the Pig, the action-response interval is likely to be rather short in 2025, so you can try out several things and go with what works for you. Your input and effort will make all the difference this year. Keep your spirits high.

The Pig is heads on with the Year’s energy of the Snake, so brace for changes, troubles and disharmony. Two Stars indicate sadness and depression to the Pig, energies the Pig is naturally prone to anyway. Expect many emotional issues, there will be obstacles to your growth provided this year. It is even possible to be negatively influenced by friends, so follow your own ethics as your guiding Star. In short, again, keep your spirits high, rely on your own effort and talent and through all those obstacles, make the universe as you want it, work on healing yourself from old bad Karma. Good Luck!

Bazi: Strukturbestimmung

In einem älteren Artikel habe ich hohe Irrtumsanfälligkeit der Methode der Strukturbestimmung rein nach Stärke der Tagesdominante aufgezeigt und festgestellt dass es mit dieser zeitgeistkonformen Methode unmöglich ist die Struktur des Bazi sicher zu bestimmen. Ohne die sichere Bestimmung der Grundstruktur ist die gesamte Interpretation des Bazi hinfällig, die Trefferrate der Bestimmung nach der Stärke liegt bei 50% wenn man Glück hat.

Dieser Artikel gibt ein Beispiel wie man klassicherweise die Struktur findet. Dieses Beispiel ist voller Tücken und daher hoffentlich informativ.

Schlüssel: „月令 Month Command“

Das chinesische Jahr wird unterteilt in 24 Untermonate zu je 14 Tagen, auf Englisch „Solar terms“ genannt. Man muss also nach der Monatssäule schauen um das dominante Qi des Erdzweiges zu bestimmen. Leider haben nur drei der zwölf Erdzweige ein reines Qi, in den restlichen zehn Erdzweigen kann man jeweils 1-2 weitere Elemente finden welche ebenfalls die Struktur liefern können. Was tun? Man schaut im Klassiker Yuan Hai Zi Ping nach und sucht den passenden Vers entsprechend zum Geburtsdatum. Dasjenige Element welches aus dem Erdzweig des Monats zu den Himmelsstämmen durchdringt bestimmt die Struktur und wird gleichzeitig zum sog. „Useful God“, also zum Dreh- und Angelpunkt der gesamten Chartmechanik. Die Tagesdominate kann nicht zur Struktur werden, die Stärke der Tagesdominate sagt kaum mehr aus, ob sie mit dem Einfluss der Struktur fertig wird oder nicht.


Gibt Wasser (Ausdruck) oder Holz (Reichtum) die Struktur?

Im obigen Chart trifft Xin auf Hai im Erdzweig des Monats. Der bei der Geburt anliegende Solarterm ist „XiaoXue“.

XiaoXue sieben Tage strömt das Wasser von Ren, 8 Tage duftet wieder das Holz von Jia

Yuan Hai Zi Ping

Der Solarterm „XiaoXue“ beginnt am 22. November. Aus dem Vers erfahren wir, dass die ersten acht Tage des Monats vom Himmelsstamm Ren regiert werden. Es gibt in diesem Chart aber keinen Himmelsstamm des Wassers der das Wasser des Erdzweiges auffangen könnte. Aber es gibt den Himmelszweig Yi Holz, welcher das Jia aus dem Erdzweig Hai auffangen kann. Die Struktur selbst ist also in diesem Beispiel nicht eindeutig, sondern schwankt. Sie wäre gern Ausdruck, wird aber gezwungen zum Reichtum zu wechseln. Sobald der Zehnjahreszyklus Ren oder Gui liefert, wird sie zum Ausdruck wechseln, in allen anderen Jahren bleibt sie indirekter Reichtum.

Kann die Tagesdominante dem Einfluss der umgebenden Elemente standhalten? Kaum, Xin hat keine Wurzel und das Siegel Ji ist lockere Erde, diese wird dieses wasserbestimmte Chart weder halten noch wärmen können, sondern wird andererseits das reichliche Wasser dieses Charts trüben und schlammig werden lassen. Obwohl also Ji aus Sicht der Tagesdominate helfen können sollte, so kann es das doch nicht weil es schwach und ohne Halt ist, Ji selbst hat nirgends eine Wurzel. Man kann nicht einfach schauen „welches Element fehlt?“ um zu helfen, es muss eben auch das passende Element sein um helfen zu können. Da bleibt nur Wu übrig und wird zum helfenden Element sobald es eine Wurzel findet. Feuer wärmt zwar das Chart, befindet sich aber in hoffnungsloser Konfrontation zum Wasser. Holz stärkt zwar die Struktur, die Tagesdominate wird aber nicht in der Lage sein diese zu kontrollieren. Daraus folgt, dass fester Fels die Grundlage für den Erfolg gibt und Wärme (Feuer) nötig ist um das Holz zum Blühen zu bringen. Der Zeitraum des grössten Erfolges in diesem Ming (Schicksal) liegt demzufolge im Zehnjahreszyklus von Wu-Yin, der Erfolg dieser Person war in diesem Zeitraum tatsächlich immens: das rankende Yi kann am mächtigen Jia hochklettern, die Frühlingssonne aus Yin wärmt das Chart und der Berg auf dem der Tiger wohnt ragt als einsame Insel für alle vorbeifahrenden Schiffe aus dem Meer. Das Bild zeitweiser grosser Bekanntheit. Zweitrangig nutzbar sind alle Erdzweige des laufenden Zyklus mit Ji und ggf. Feuer in der Wurzel, besser kleine tropische Sandinseln als gar nichts.

Die Tagesdominantenvertreter würden neben Erde wahrscheinlich Metall zum helfenden Element erklären: leider macht Metall das Wasser nur noch schneller als es sowieso schon ist, der Eigner des Charts wird durch Metall nur rechthaberischer, aggressiver, widerspenstiger, es gibt zahlreiche Konkurrenz, das Metall greift direkt die Struktur an.

Um ein Chart zu bewerten braucht man zuerst die Struktur um helfende und schadende Elemente zu finden, dann die Stärke der Tagesdominante bestimmen, dann muss man das Wesen der beteiligten Zeichen bewerten, dann die Temperatur bestimmen und dann erst die Interaktion der Zeichen untereinander.

Dies funktioniert mit allem was eine „Geburtsstunde“ hat, Menschen, Tiere, Verträge, Grundsteinlegungen, Unternehmungen etc.

Form und Körper mögen unterschiedlich sein, sind sie aus demselben Stoff aufgebaut dann wirken die Prinzipien entsprechen, oder analog: so wie CBD bei Menschen wirkt, so wirkt CBD bei Tieren.

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