
Feng Shui for 2022

The Chinese New Year in 2022 starts on February the 4th, it is the year of the Water Tiger, or RenYin. The Feng Shui chart for this year looks like this:

The two major potentially dangerous influences are called the Tai Sui, representing the ruler, or energy of the year, and the San Sha, which is the opposing element to the element in charge of the year. San Sha likes to be undisturbed, Tai Sui likes to be unopposed and undisturbed.

The Annual Stars fly into their home palaces, which on the one hand raises their energies, yet on the other hand indicates a tendency for becoming stale or obstinate. Major point here is that the ruling Star of them all, Star 5 or Lian Zhen, resides in the center and therefore will exert its influence towards all of the others to some degree. Especially take heed of Star 2, 3 and 7, all of them are in their unlucky cycles. Looking at the palaces or sectors, Earth Star 2 is in the Southwest, Quarrel and Thief Star 3 in the East, Robber Star 7 is in the West. It is a good idea to weaken the influences of Stars 2, 3, 5 and 7 before the start of the new Chinese Year.

On a global scale, China may see a lot more of internal strife and the population of the West in general may see „becoming robbed“, possibly by the mechanisms of inflation, which most people around here tend to ignore as long as they can. So taking care of the West and East sectors in your home may be a good idea. The Southwest is prone to sicknesses and disease. Yet all of the world population may see themselves confronted with a difficult year, the center is you, so take care of yourself.

The auspicious Stars are 1 in the North, which is on the rise and will help your career if activated. Star 6 is weak, authorities are weak. Star 8 is waning but still usable. The brightest Star is 9 -activating or at least strengthening this one is a good idea.

We already are in Period 9!

The great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn happened on December 21st of 2020. This means that although the common Feng Shui tables say Period 9 should commence only in 2024, we officially already have entered Period 9 (Li) for more than a year. The planets in the Sky do not bother with dusty tables written some centuries ago, and the 60 year cycle is an useful approximation, but not in exact sync with the movement of the planets.
We also entered the 30° sector of Aquarius by that date, which may explain why the masses and also individual humans just do not react like they did predictibly for the last 2500 years.

The year of RenYin is that of the White Tiger. The Water of the Heavenly Stem Ren feeds the Wood of the Earthly Branch Tiger (Yin). That is a ferocious and aggressive beast, afraid of nothing. Expect lots of previously hidden evil stuff to be dragged towards the surface and punished/retributed. The hungry Tiger leaves its den and goes out for prey. Its attack comes suddenly and unexpected. A good year for fighters and warriors of all trades and professions. Courage and bravery will pay back more bounty than in other years. New kings/presidents/heads of state may unexpectedly be on the uprise or in power, even revolutions may be more usual than in other years. Beware of erratic rashes of emotions, from outside or inside. The Tiger is the most Yin of all animals, so it also represents the peoples on this planet…

It is advisable to adjust the Feng Shui of your home in the time prior to February 4th 2022 and not after the new Star configuration already has kicked in. In case you like to get my Feng Shui advice for 2022, just let me know.

Feng Shui mit der Axt im Rücken

Recht bekannt und kein Geheimnis ist, dass scharfe oder spitze Gegenstände oder Kanten von Bauten, ebenso wie Flächen welche auf das Haus zulaufen und welche auf das Haus gerichtet sind als schlechtes Feng Shui zu bewerten sind (Cutting Sha, Arrow Sha, Chopping Sha usw.). Ein Beispiel für ein derartiges Feng Shui Setup ist der Shanghai Tower. Er ist mit 127 Stockwerken nicht nur der zweithöchste Wolkenkratzer der Welt, sondern auch ein Beispiel für kontemporäre State of the Art Architektur. Und er ist ein ökonomisches Desaster. Trotz bester Lage und cutting edge Architektur ist nur ca. die Hälfte der vermietbaren Fläche tatsächlich auch vermietet.

Bild: Google Earth

Ist die Schneide, welche vom „Bieröffner“ Wolkenkratzer auf den Shanghai Tower zuläuft also einfach nur „Zufall“? Materialisten könnten dies einwenden, selbst wenn auch Materialisten zugeben werden, dass so etwas wie „Zugluft“, bzw. gerichtete oder punktuell getunnelte Luftbewegungen beim Menschen zu Krankheiten oder Unwohlsein führen können. Im Feng Shui ist der Körper des Menschen und der Baukörper eines Gebäudes das gleiche.

Hier zwei Bilder aus dem Jahre 2011 welche ich in Berlin aufgenommen habe:

Blick vom Zielobjekt auf das Sha Qi der scharfen Schneide des gegeüberliegenden Gebäudes

Ich ging so die Strasse entlang und sah die scharfe Schneide vom obigen Bild. Als Feng Shui Berater wendete ich meinen Blick um 180° und sah folgendes:

Ein totes Geschäft

Keine Überraschung, als einziger Laden an der gesamten langen Chausse war er genau derjenige, welcher eingegangen war und auch der einzige, auf den die Schneide exakt zeigte. Das ist die allgemeine Regel. Nach dem x-ten Beispiel solcherart kann man durchaus von einer Regel sprechen. Das Geschäft von z.B. Schlachthöfen oder Recyclinganlagen dürfte andererseits mit solch einem Feng Shui gut laufen. Was tun wenn einne solche Schneide zu ihrem Fenster herein kuckt?

Feng Shui und die Zähne

Feng Shui soll etwas mit Zahnweh zu tun haben? Diese Feststellung kommt für viele sicher überraschend. Doch so, wie im Feng Shui die Dinge welche im Wohnumfeld vorhanden sind eben vom Äusseren her das Innere spiegeln, bzw. die Nutzung des Raums auf Ereignisse und bestimmte Gegebenheiten im Leben des Bewohners schliessen lässt, so ist auch der Körper selbst ein ganzheitliches System. Probleme mit den Weisheitszähnen lassen beispielsweise ebenso auf mögliche Probleme mit Leber, Herz oder Darm schliessen. Die Schneidezähne befinden sich mit den Nieren und der Blase in Korrelation. Falls Sie einmal für sich selber nachprüfen möchten ob diese Behauptung ggf. zutreffen könnte, dann gönnen Sie sich doch den Spass und schauen einmal auf dieser Referenztabelle nach.

Natürlich hilft regelmässige und gründliche Zahnpflege, genau so wie regelmässiges und gründliches Putzen und Instandhalten der Wohnung die allgemeine Lebensqualität steigert. Es besteht prinzipiell kaum ein Unterschied zwischen der Entfernung von Plaque zur Minimierung des Risikos für Karies verglichen mit dem Putzen der Wohnung und der damit verbundenen Reduktion von Schmutz und Krankheitskeimen. Allerdings ist eine saubere und aufgeräumte Wohnung eine Voraussetzung dafür um mit dem „richtigen“ Feng Shui überhaupt beginnen zu können. Ich habe z.B. selten bis kaum irgendeine erfolgreiche Person erlebt, welche ihre Wohnung oder ihre Zähne hätte verlottern lassen.

Man kann natürlich auch so lange warten, bis die üblen Wirkungen des Drecks sich ihre Bahn erzwungen haben. Bei Zähnen wie auch beim Feng Shui der Wohnung merkt man oft lange nichts vom Schaden, erst wenn es zu spät ist.

Feng Shui und Massage

Gut für Räume welche der Massage gewidmet sind ist, dass die Luft frisch ist und Sonnenlicht herein scheinen kann. Aromatische Öle wie z.B. Zeder oder Rose können zu einer beruhigenden Atmosphäre beitragen. Es sollte eine ruhige Umgebung sein, Krach, laute Geräusche, oder brandender Verkehr draussen erzeugen keine der Entspannung dienliche Atmosphäre. Gewünscht ist eine Atmosphäre, in der sich der Kunde bzw. der Patient möglichst gut entspannen kann, um die Wirkung der Massage sich möglichst umfassend entfalten zu lassen. Eine gute Massage entpannt micht nur die Muskeln und regt die Blutzirkulation an, sie wirkt auch ausgleichend auf die Nerven und den Geist. Im täglichen Leben gibt es so viele spannungsgeladene Momente die sich auf den Körper übertragen. Ein guter Masseur kann diese Ungleichgewichte lockern, oder sogar ausgleichen. Auch bei vielen Erkrankungen oder Fehlstellungen des Skeletts ist können Massagen in vielen Fällen helfen oder unterstützend wirken.

Die Raumelemente

Die Person welche die Massage gibt und die Person welche die Massage empfängt bilden für die Zeit der Massage eine Einheit, der Masseur entspricht dem Yang, der Patient dem Yin. Der Raum ist günstigerweise so zu gestalten, dass der Masseur sich auf seine Tätigkeit konzentrieren kann und dabei achtsam bleibt und dem Patienten sollte für die Dauer der Massage weitgehend ermöglicht werden vom Alltagsstress oder Sorgen loslassen zu können. Ein Bereich des Feng Shui befasst sich mit der Kunst dem allzeit wachsamen Unterbewussten dabei zu helfen, auf Entwarnung umzustellen. Während der Patient auf der Massageliege ligt, ist er ähnlich wie beim Schlafen, sehr verletzlich. Daher sollte die Massageliege in einer bestmöglich geschützten Position aufgestellt werden. Weder die Kopf- noch die Fussseite sollten direkt zur Tür hin ausgerichtet sein. Die Luft sollte weder zu trocken, noch zu feucht sein. Der Raum sollte weder zu warm noch zu kalt sein und Körperteile welche nicht massiert werden, sollten möglichst bedeckt werden.

Bei der Auswahl der Gestaltungselemente ist Weniger in den meisten Fällen mehr. Pflanzen oder blühende Pflanzen sind in Massen gut, dornige Pflanzen oder Pflanzen mit scharfen spitzen Blättern sind zu vermeiden. Deckenbalken, oder von der Decke herabhängende Gegenstände über der Liege ebenfalls. Dies sind lediglich allgemeine Tips, die Situation sollte von Fall zu Fall entsprechend angeschaut bzw. untersucht und angepasst werden.

2021 Year of polluted liquids – a forecast review

On February 12th of this year, I wrote a forecast based on Feng Shui principles for this year. That forecast had two main topics: 1. prediction on environmental impacts and 2. on impacts on human society. Feng Shui and Bazi etc. are predictive tools, meant to forecast difficulties before they arrive in order to prepare ahead. The chinese year of XinChou is only half over, but I think it could help to review what has already developed and what one may learn of it to assess next logical steps. This review deals with environmental impacts and social impacts separately.

Environmental impacts

This year so far has seen an unusual high concentration of floods all over the world. In April, Mekka was hit by a major flood. The month was RenChen. Chen wet eart encountering Chou wet earth.

The month of July brought exceptional floods (of the 100-year type) in Maharashtra and Mumbai (India), Turkey, several floods hit China in July, including dam collapses in northern China, in Europe Germany with its province of Nordrheinwestfalen was hit especially hard in the northern part together with other parts of Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands saw massive flooding, Austria too – the death toll for Europe as of now is at least 200 dead. In the month of July there is a clash of the earthly branches Chou and Wei, both soft earth, combined witha clash of the heavenly stems, Yi and Xin. The month and year pillar clash each other, the earth moves.

In metaphysics, since ancient history, it is often deemed that natural disasters and pestilences are a response of Heaven for the wrongdoings of humanity. The timeframes of the response (rewards or retribution) is scheduled, that is why it can be forecasted. Such schedules are present in macro situations (countries, societies), as well as in micro situations (individuals have their own Bazi read). They might be called carmic responses (following the cause & effect logic). With those floods, the earth gets mixed into the water, resulting in polluted liquids.

Few people nowadays believe in something like destiny and therefore do not give much attention to Feng Shui forecasts. That is quite alright, the idea that anybody has a say in their presently ongoing destiny is helpful. Most people nowadays believe in scientific, politcal or materialistic approaches. So why were thousands of people in Germany, a highly developed country, caught in their sleep by those horrific floods? Did the weathermen fail to issue their warnings? No they did not. The warnings came in time and with reason. If you understand German, watch this:

In contrast, watch the official press conference performance of the German ministress in charge, an individual who obviously was not aware of her responsibilty and duty for alerting her people even a week after the catastrophe happened. It is very painful to watch this knowing that 200 died and thousands became homeless over night, just because politicians of such a caliber seem to care for little more but the perfection of their blow dried hair.

If it is true that catastrophes like this are retributions or punishments, why does the populace get punished and not such politicians, whose incompetence and total lack of care borders to a crime?

A few words on the general building politics and policies after the sixties in Germany from the viewpoint of me being a geologist. The german area which was hit hard by this years flood was hit by a flood of a similar magnitude before back in 1804, when 60 persons died – housing density was far less back then. This makes this flood not a millenium flood, but a centennial flood. German geologists about a hundred years ago were well aware of the dangers and surveyed accurate maps for potential areas of flood disasters, based on the sedimentological records. I have seen those maps myself. What I also saw, was the fact that especially after the 1960ies, those maps were widely ignored in the entirety of Germany. In the area of the current disaster, housing was traditionally built in zones of 100 year floods danger. But in most other parts of Germany, including my home village, the building boom from 1990 until today plastered those high risk zones with residential buildings. It cannot be undone, and putting the outfall ditch 2m lower just does not help in a 100-year scenario, let alone in a 1000 year scenario. That is what the people building their houses there do not know. They have been sold out by a corrupt class of politicians. Building in those zones is like playing russian roulette.

Social impacts

The polluted liquids of 2021 manifest on a social level via the so called „vaccines“. The word itself is a lie, because this is not a classical vaccine, but a RNA modificator. It does not make anybody immune against the virus and it does not claim to do so. What it actually does is hard to say. But it is easy to see that the way it is enforced is based on deception and the design of the campaign is aimed on splitting the society into „believers“ and „non believers“, as well as putting those ones who refuse the shots into some type of second class citizenry.

In the USA there is a lawsuit on the way which alleges the government to hide 45000 vaccination shot related deaths since the start of the inoculation campaign, this is for the USA alone. Read that article for your own information and perhaps think about if you really want to have yourself inoculated with an engineered liquid of which the manufacturers are exempted of any liabilty for possible damages and where the table of contents of the serum is left blank.

2021, the year of polluted liquids.

Feng Shui im Büro

Das äussere Umfeld

Geht es um das Feng Shui im Büro, dann sollte man sich wie stets von Aussen nach Innen vorarbeiten. Wie ist die Lage des Gebäudes in bezug auf die umgebende Landschaft, wie fliesst das Qi, wie sind das umgebende Wasser und die umgebenden Berge angeordnet? Gibt es Sha-Qi (schädliche Einflüsse) welche auf das Büro treffen und ausgeglichen werden müssen? Es ist ca. 10 Jahre her, als ich im Büro eines frischgebackenen Zürcher Bankdirektors stand. Am Büro selbst war nichts falsch. Aus dem Fenster schaute er auf einen angrenzenden Schrottplatz und ein grosses Baumskelett. Für ihn schien das kein Problem zu sein. Zwei Jahre später war dort wer anders Direktor geworden.

Die Lage im Gebäude

Bei der Lage des Büros innerhalb des Gebäudes frage man sich nach der Aufgabe und dem Wesen des Büros: ist es z.B. reine Buchhaltung, oder hat es Aufgaben, welche den direkten Kontakt mit Kundschaft oder Publikum erfordern, ist es ein Büro für Angestellte, oder das Büro des Chefs? Je nach dem wird auch die Zuweisung des Büroraums jeweils anders ausfallen müssen. Allgemein gilt: die Büros (oder die jeweiligen Schreibtische) der Vorgestzten sind wichtiger einzustufen, als die des untergebenen Personals. Dementsprechend sollte die Lage des Chefbüros in einer Position des Gebäudes liegen, welche die grösstmögliche Unterstützung bietet und die Lage von funktionalen Büros in Bereichen, welche der Funktion des Büros entsprechen.

Der Büroraum

Bei Grossraumbüros ist die in den meisten Fällen beste Anordnung der Schreibtische wie folgt:

Anordnung der Schreibtische im Grossraumbüro

Der Vorgesetzte (gelber Schreibtisch) ist in der sog. „Machtposition“ platziert, diese befindet sich diagonal gegenüber der Tür, sein Schreibtisch hat die Wand im Rücken und er blickt auf die Rücken und die Bildschirme der Untergebenen (neudeutsch: „Mitarbeiter“). Manche Untergebene werden diese Anordnung nicht mögen. Im Feng Shui ist es allerdings so, dass man die Unterstützung, welche ein Vorgesetzter ja geben sollte, im Rücken haben sollte, so wie der Vorgesetzte eine Wand in seinem.
Was hängt an den Wänden? Urlaubspostkarten die von Mitarbeitern aus den Ferien geschickt wurden? Fünf Jahre alte Reports oder Statistiken? Schwurbelbilder oder Bilder mit rosa Einhörnern drauf? Alles weniger tauglich für gute Leistung.
Jedes Bild sendet eine Botschaft aus, welche über die Zeit hinweg eine starke Wirkung entfalten wird. Ob im Arbeits- oder im privaten Bereich.
Vor einem Jahr stand ich im Büro eines Filialleiters eines grossen Discounters. Das Geschäft lief blendend, eigentlich schon zu gut. Das Problem für diesen Vorgesetzten war seine kaum motivierte Belegschaft mit kaum internem Zusammenhalt. Jeder arbeitete so langsam es eben möglich war. Der Mann war sich nicht im klaren darüber, dass ein Marketingplakat einer Eisfirma in seinem Büro etwas damit zu tun haben könnte. Darauf abgebildet waren zwei Kinder die Eis schlecken und darüber gross der Spruch „So schmeckt der Sommer“. Mit so einem Spruch im Chefbüro wird es schwer die Mitarbeiter zu motivieren bzw. als Chef selbst ernst genommen zu werden.

Der Schreibtisch

Allgemein gilt, dass aufgeräumte Schreibtische besser sind als unaufgeräumte. Das gilt insbesondere für die linke Seite. Der Schreibtisch des Top-Führungspersonals gehorcht anderen Regeln als der des mittleren oder unteren Führungspersonals.
Wer seine Konzentration steigern möchte, kann eine Glas- oder Kristallkugel auf die rechte obere Ecke des Tisches stellen (s. das Buch von Dr. Wu). Dekoelemente auf dem Tisch sollten am dem Wesen und der Art der dort geleisteten Arbeit ausgerichtet werden.

Masters of this World

Authority is very much esteemed in classical Chinese Metaphysics. Authority is where the power is, it is the Officer, the Official, the Emperor, the legit peak top of the pyramid. In a perfect system viewed the classical Chinese way, the best Emperor would hardly be known by anybody, but infuse his ethics into his people by living an exemplary life. Nobody would be aware of this but follow the example anyway. That is the best type of leader. The second best is the one eveybody loves. The third best is that one who everybody fears. The worst is that one who everybody laughs at. Those are the four types of the Masters of this world, besides those who are legit and those who are not. In Chinese Metaphysics, like Bazi etc., the Authority or Officer should be well rooted to control the Self and protected from attacks of Expression of the Self. If the Officer is hidden also, that is best, so no one would know where to attack at.

These ideas are rooted and displayed in the basic cycle of the five phases, or the 10 Gods with their Yin and Yang. Officer equals Emperor or legal government and Seven killings the outlaw, rogue, bandit, or revolutionary. The rogue is not in government, but he can exert it from outside just the same.

This is the basic cycle:

„Self“ equals the individual person, or the people of a nation. „Expression“ is exactly that, either self expression, or the work of the people. Wealth is generated out of that expression. Wealth or money enables Power or Authority. But exerting Power weakens Wealth. Power is enabling to edit decrees, so Seal is a representation for that, think of your piece of paper like a diploma etc. proving to others your are fit doing your job. Seal enables or disables, furthers or hampers people, depending of the verdict sealed by it.

The true Masters of this world just revealed themselves

The true Masters of this world are not elected by the people nor do they have official power on direct legislation. This statement may come with some surprise as well as scepticism, so i just give a quote dating from 29th of June 2021:


Who is the WEF? It is the World Economic Forum, its power centre is located in Basel, Switzerland. Represented by the head of the BIS, the Bank of International Settlements. Now that private group is not anymore hidden, but openly going for world regulation. The last time something like that succeeded in a major way, was with the Roman Church and their inquisition. The Vatican certainly knows deep Feng Shui secrets and it was always smart enough to stay hidden and let the legislation be the legislation. Now these WEF guys are at the helm of becoming a world inquisition, because they need it. Where would we be when whatever guy could voice out what ever his opinion is? All them not in line with the WEF are rogues, extremists, terrorists and enemies of children. That is what it reads.

Well, from my perspective, the disposal over money these WEF guys no doubt have, enabled them to be powerful. The power to regulate people was with the government, what we see is an open attempt for mastership over the world by the WEF. Anybody who still claims such thoughts to be „conspiracy theories“ is either a goon of the WEF, or unable to comprehend what they themselves do express openly. The problem for the WEF in comparison to the Vatican in the old days though is, the Vatican had by their church recesses as well as the unavailabilty of much general information, complete power over the media of the medival times. Heresy was equal to a death sentence. But these days less and less people watch TV or read the press. So the problem for the WEF as well as for any tyrannywas and is free speech. Nowadays mainly on the Internet.

The WEF by design is not responsible nor legit for moderation of speech, health care politics, terrorism, or exploitation of children. That is the domain of the Official governments in legal authority. The WEf implicitly claims all they need is „public private cooperation“, no state, no legislation or such. Viewed by this perspective, the WEF has to be seen as representing the force of Seven Killings, the force challenging the state and order.

The BIS and the Feng Shui of its headquarters

The golden tower of the BIS is located next to the Basel central station.

Source: Wikipedia, Copyleft

This tower was erected in 1977 in a pretty good macro-environment situation. If you look at the basic formulae for the building, they are good for money but not so good for keeping a long term legacy. With entering XK period 9, matters get hot now for the 6-star it was built under. The plot it is built on is not under the legislation of the Swiss state, it is an extraterritorial zone. The BIS´s endevours flourished from 1977 onwards. The big Feng Shui problem for the BIS originated in the year of the pig of 2019. When I saw it back then, I had a prediction in my mind: it will take about five years from then until the BIS is in perceivable trouble and about 10 years until their power is greatly diminished. Years with key events should be 2023 and 2027. All along these times fierce struggle for the BIS ahead.

Perhaps read this article in 2029 and see how it played out for the BIS and the WEF being Masters of the world then. In case this article is not available anymore, chances are high they succeeded in their goals, or my Feng Shui skills suck too much.

Insects at home – Feng Shui

This article is NOT about the display of figurines of insects in Feng Shui. Figurines of insects inside of the home may sometimes be useful items as seen from a Feng Shui perspective, but encountering alive insects inside, in most cases ist not a good thing. One principle by which to evaluate the occurrence of insects inside the home would be „like goes with alike“. There is also a difference if wether there is some occasional singular one entering the home every now or then, or if there is sth. like an intrusion or even an invasion of them. In general, most insects should be taken out of the home to the outside, preferably without killing them. Some examples.

Insect psychology and Feng Shui

Insects organised in a state like structure

Find out what type of psychology the insect is functioning at. Some, like bees, wasps, or ants, are so highly organised that their behaviour lets us put the term „state“ to the hives and colonies they form. They claim territory and they defend it. Of course they do have their central Queen too. All of those are very industrious and diligent and they act strategically as a collective, however like on auto pilot, or even machines. This is in analogy with the autonomous nervous system.
Bees collect and produce, wasps hunt, rob and kill and ants collect, rob and kill. All of them are more or less poisonous. All of them need the potential of harmful or disruptive earth field zones („Störzonen“) to maintain their own capitals healthy. None of them you want inside of your home or house. Observe which room they try to inhabitate and you know which family member and which area of life has the synchronous effects to deal with. Ants most of the time do not fly, but bees and wasps do. While bees and wasps sometimes use a human home but still fly and roam towards the outside, ants tend to keep inside of the house once there. So bees and wasps synchronicity in Feng Shui would be seen in external matters, ant problems by internal matters. All of them would create anxiety or insecurity. In an insect state, the individual is nothing, but the collective is everything, with the exception of the queen.

Insects not organised in states, but in masses

Other insects, like roaches, or some types of beetles, are not organised in state-like structures, but can occur or gather in masses. This is always a warning sign, you would need to be extra careful to guard against bad luck, or infestation. Although those creatures do usually not predate, they still steal and spoil your resources and your space. Other than ants or bees, they most of the time like to hide themselves away from your sight, they like to clandestinely steal. So the problem in synchronicity may be something you ignore, you do not like to look at it at all. In the case of flies on the other hand the annoyance is prevalent. Mosquitos, deduce the same way.

Solitary insects

The main category here are spiders (yeah I know, these are not called insects by science, but arachnids) . With the exception of the highly poisonous ones (which we not yet do have many of, or none in Northern Europe), spiders usually are the least problematic. Yes, they hunt and kill, but most of the time they hunt the creeps that steal from you. Also, many of them are very protective of their young. They may indicate Yin issues, or issues related with women. It is best to get them out alive, cob webs are the main problem they produce. Cob webs in Feng Shui relate to health problems.

Peculiar or rare insects

Should you encounter an unusual or very rare inesct, take notice. E.g. in case the Praying Mantis is rare in your area, but it invites itself into your home, then it might be useful to study what type of insect that is. The Mantis is a predator of the type that its prey does not see it until it is caught in its fangs and eaten alive. The Mantis remains motionless and blends into its surroundings while it scrutinises every little motion, thereby looking like just another twig or a blade of grass. When it acts, it is in a sudden lighting strike alike movement.

Insect remains

Any bodily remains of insects are harmful in Feng Shui, either inside or outside the house. No good luck ever comes from dead insect bodies, sucked out or abandaoned insect hulls, their dirt, or anything they once produced. As it is the good practice of a decent house wife to keep the house clean and free of such dirt, this is also good practice in Feng Shui. Insects belong to the realm of Yin, what we want most of the time inside of the house is a gain in Yang.

Simple Money Feng Shui

This article is more about the psychological part of Feng Shui.

First of all, are you comfortable with money? Do you like getting and having money, do you even love it? If so, then this article might be useful for you. It helps you to cherish your money. Are you ok with more money coming in? Then cherish it! Make your money a good home, just as you would make your house a good home for yourself with Feng Shui. So with some exceptions, in general money should not be „flying around“ in your space, like being carelessly left anywhere in or around the house. Random pennies on the floor, on cupboards or tables, or money being washed in the washing machine are a sign you do not care about your pennies and bills. Your pennies „will know“ :D and in return and might dissipate or stray off to somewhere else they feel more appreciated ;)
Lately, I was very sick and forgot to take out a bunch of 20 Euro notes out of the pocket of my shirt into their happy lair. My beloved partner cared for me when I was sick and put the shirt into the washing machine. When they bills came out they were very clean, however i „randomly“ lost a bunch of money by a weird coincidence on the same day. You may laugh about my stupidity, or you may laugh about the „superstitious“ connection of these two unconnected occurrences. But hey, once I delved into the wondrous world of coincidences by the philosophy of Feng Shui, I found them to be somewhat reliable. The Jungians may call this phenomenon „Synchronicty“.
Ok back to the topic. To cherish your money, have it have some safe and neat place. That place should be sheltered. A safe is a good place, but not everybody wants a safe. It also is not so much about the amount you store there, but the feeling you have when putting and having it there. It can be a high quality little chest or a beautifully made box, or any other high quality container you do like. Put that nice container into a good safe place in your home, where nobody sees it. Then make it the home of your wallet. Then treat it like a Dragon would treat its own hoard of gold and jewels.
As a sidenote, some people have glass jars filled with coins on display. That can be good too, but that type of symbology works on different mechanics and with a different purpose.

The wallet

The wallet is the symbol for your actively used money, there goes a current through it called currency. In Feng Shui, money equals water. You want your money to be in a neat order inside of your wallet. Separate the coins from the bills. Order the bills neatly and uncrumpled by their value. Have the bills facing the same side. Doing this as a habit, you might find to have your money affairs in better order. The wallet itself should be intact. If the wallet is broken or in a bad shape, it might be time to go for a new one. The colour of the wallet is hotly debated in the Feng Shui world, but I would not give it too much attention. Black stands for Water, you can´t go wrong with this. Some people use the colour of their money symbol from the astrological chart, but then the chart needs to be able to hold the money. I think its best if you really like your wallet. Besides of neatly ordered money, what else to put inside a wallet? Things which represent your own money of course! For example a bank card with money on its account is good. But if there is a credit card inside of it with huge debts on its account, that is not good purse Feng Shui. Also, having old receipts of paid bills are no good. Some people carry around pictures of loved ones in their purse. Guess where your money is drawn towards in such a case ;)
Something that tends to work very well is to have a 100 or 200 Euro bill in your wallet at all times, no matter how low on money you are.
As mentioned above, these simple „tricks“ are helping your attitude towards money. It is likely you will become more careful with it. These ideas are more a sidenote when it comes to money in Feng Shui, the main agents are in your horoscope (BaZi) and as for Feng Shui in the disposition and arrangement of the waterflows outside of your apartment, house, or site. Those tend to be way more powerful.

Rings of Power


Word, picture, writings are more powerful than any sword or weapon, yeah yeah. They do not kill, they project an image. No one can avoid the word or image. The simpler the image, word, message, the easier to be imprinted in any mind.

Jede Propaganda hat […] ihr geistiges Niveau einzustellen nach der Aufnahmefähigkeit des Beschränktesten unter denen, an die sie sich zu richten gedenkt.

(„Any propaganda needs to be tailored towards the dumbest of the people at which it is aimed at“)

Adolf Hitler

Propaganda is best when the receiver does not identify it as such, so no or little rejection takes place. No rejection also means no choice and no alternatives.

Alternativlos („without alternatives“, a term coined for the hew way of politics)

Angela Merkel

The less topics and themes available, the less can be discussed. The world becomes very simple. A simple world can be dominated easier. Simple minds will not discuss, they do not know what and how.

But the world is complicated?

For the simple mind, the world usually is not complicated. It is mysterious. Someone else needs to explain it, someone in the know of the higher forces. I am not joking when I point out there recently has been an article in a major swiss newspaper explaining the mechanics of sunrise and sunset.

Rings of Power

Every circle of people can be seen as a ring of power, because ideas are exchanged there. This is natural and human. It does not really matter what the ring is about, if it is about breeding rabbits, a local gun club, or whatever, all of them have their own policies and politics.
In a „perfect“ world, these rings would overlap and people communicate their ideas freely. One might image that idea like this:

Politics always has been about influencing or controlling these rings. In the past, to syphon in different people into an overarching theme of politics, we had a 3-4 party systems, in the US a two party system. As the skeletal hulls of these still stand and are funtional on the outside surface, in fact there is no dissent or divergence. What we now have is a one party system gaining to achieve a one ring of world superpower. The wet dream of any dictatorship. This can only be done once a major all encompassing ring of power, one singular streamlined thinking, encompasses and binds all lesser rings.

Lesser rings as indicated above would be any diverging exchanges of ideas between people.

Usually, the topics of such lesser rings rotate around an axis, some type of interest. The all encompassing ring is set by the main streamlinded fake media, offering no more than 3 topics at a time and repeating those until dementia. But not that many are that braindead yet, and smaller circles still compete by exchanging their ideas. To gain and maintain control over them, rigid censorship is not well received by the members of those circles. One needs to divide them to conquer – dividing in this context is meant as separating. See image above. Those rings do not overlap. As for the first time in history, this is possible by computer algorythms. Have you ever noticed that Google or Youtube put you in a confined circle of interest once you used these platform a few times? If you were interested in unicorns, only unicorn stuff shows up. Etc. Simplicity becomes confinement. Algorhythmical cages. You won´t know what else exists. Gone the time standing in a library and being able to browse hundreds of very different topics when sitting in front of Google. You are bound by a ring of your liking, controlled by someone else.

For an analogy, lets look at a watch. The frontside shows the time, it gives the unified message. It shows unified standard time. Just like a unified standard ideology.

Once you flip the watch over and open the hull, the thing looks pretty different, one sees lots of cogs or rings of different sizes and turning at different speeds.

Compare with the first image and you see a big circle (the hull of the watch) encompassing many small ones. The small ones all have their own axis and spin around themselves. Just like your local club. By separating them and giving algorhythm controlled spin to each single one, a general overarching message is sent into forming a bigger one, without any cog or ring knowing about the other. Control the small rings and spin them for the bigger message.

Forcing you into a smaller ring

The Corona policies force anybody out of direct contact with fellow humans and more into the world of the machines and algorhythms. Individuals can be tracked and confined way easier than ever before. We are dependent on these machines now. What once was supposed to served us, now we do serve to it. The more fragmented a society, the easier to steer it from above. But just like any mechanical watch with its blue steel feather, this Google machine still needs and uses some force. Some people yet still do not like it. So it would be best to neutralise society in itself. Throughout history, that best can be done through fear.

Neutralising smaller rings against each other

Again, „Corona“ (that means „ring“) is a perfect tool to do this. One societal ring may be under fear of death by the sickness. Another may be under fear of death by poverty. Another might be under fear of total dictatorship because of the deep cuts into individual freedom. All of these groups are right. And they use up their own force to fight each other about who is right. What a waste. Many may think that nothing ever will change, because it should not. This, when right now everything is changing. All these rings are designed to keep out the things nobody talks about, until the point the words are not there to talk about it. The good thing about this is, such attempts never in history succeeded, because the loss of language backfires on those who manufactured it. Once again a recent example of stremlined media, where it said an arrest warrant was issued against a „vegan extremist“ on the grounds of the good old Nazi law of „incitement of the people“ (Volksverhetzung“). And I thought the vegans were supposed to be the saviours of the world? Stupid me, I forgot Hitler was a fanatic vegetarian too…

Stay sharp and maybe perhaps check in on a different ring of society from time to time. Check in on what nobody talks about.

Or, do what you are told and proceed into a smaller ring of mental confinement. It just may feel safer there when nothing seems to be safe anymore, not even talking to fellow humans in person. Just trust the simple one world party?

War Is Peace. Freedom Is Slavery. Ignorance Is Strength.

George Orwell, „1984“

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